
Showing posts from September 15, 2019

Grateful for Thursday

Today..... I am grateful that I woke up to the alarm straight away. I didn't doddle around and I got ready really quickly. I am grateful I have an alarm that wakes me to music. I am grateful it isn't raining right now so I got to work nice and dry. I am grateful the wind has died down. I am grateful it isn't as cold this morning. I am grateful for the peace and quiet I have for 30mins in the office in the morning. It is so nice and I can relax. I am grateful for my friendship with my old director. It is her last day tomorrow due to bloody bullshit restructure but I am not in tomorrow so I gave her a gift today, which she loved, and she bought me a coffee and we had a 1 hour chat. She is just such an amazing woman. I adore her and I trust and respect her. I can't say that about too many people. I am blessed to know her.

Grateful Wednesday

Today..... I am grateful for my 3 hr sleep in. Normally I wake up at 4am but when I am working from home I get to sleep in until 7. So good. I am grateful I did a topic test which caught me up and I got 92%! I am so thrilled. I am grateful for the ritual of making a cup of tea and chatting with my sister. I am grateful for vintage cheese grilled on toast. Well, I didn't exactly grill it, I wacked it in the microwave after I toasted the bread, but it works. Not as crunchy but its quick and easy. I am grateful for pineapple passion juice. Its made with fruit and veggies and it tastes great.

Grateful Tuesday

Today..... I am grateful I woke up quickly and felt refreshed I am grateful for my vanilla latte coffee sticks. They make a great coffee which is cheaper than buying 1 and tastes great. I do buy a coffee later in the morning but that is more so I get out of my office and go for a little walk for a change of scenery, I am grateful for my purchased coffee. Today I had lactose free milk and it tasted great. The only thing is that it is full fat and my stomach has been playing up since. It could be a coincidence so I will trial it again on Thursday. I am grateful for my lunch and that I haven't thrown it up. Tuna on vitawheats. I managed to eat the whole tine and 2 crackers. I am happy about that. A high protein lunch. I am grateful I got my rings back. I took them off while I washed my hands and I stupidly forgot to put them back on. Anyway, I have them now so I am happy. I am grateful I don't feel as sleepy as I did yesterday. The day has gone slower though. Yesterday was

Grateful Monday

Today....... I am grateful I woke up feeling good despite not sleeping very well. It took me forever to get to sleep I am grateful for my time by myself in the morning. I like the peace and quiet and the ritual of getting ready with make up and hair done. I am grateful for my vanilla latte coffee sticks. I have perfected these sachets as you need two for a big cup and they taste delicious. I am grateful I had the money to buy lunch. I had half an egg sandwich which was really nice. I hated having to throw out the other half. I am grateful we found Coco our rescue lab. She was missing and Pa and I were frantic looking for her thinking she must have got out the front. As it was the kids took her for a walk. That was a relief. I love that dog so much I couldn't stand the thought that she took off and because she isn't very bright and not street smart she may have wondered and not known her way back.

Grateful Weekend

This weekend..... I am grateful I woke up early and was able to watch tv in bed I am grateful to have gone shopping with my sister I am grateful to have found some great fabric for PJ's I am grateful I have the money to buy the fabric. I am grateful for the coffee and sandwich I shared with my sister I am grateful to have woken up early once again but it wasn't due to pain which is a bonus. I am grateful that i got to go shopping with my sister I am grateful once again to have coffee and a toastie with my sister I am grateful I have the money to buy everything I need. I am grateful that I had some great study this weekend  I am grateful I improved my test score to 80%. I am going to try to get $85 next test

Greatdul Friday

Today I am grateful for my first cup of tea. I am grateful for my coffee (yes all caffeine related) I am grateful I can listen to the radio while working I am grateful I took an early mark I am grateful for Pa picking me up so I don't have to catch the bus and also for organising dinner