
Showing posts from October 24, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

Not a lot happened today. I spent most of the day sleeping which is what I needed. I am hoping that all of this sleep will help to reboot my brain. Universe 1) I am grateful for the additional sedative which helped me sleep so long last night 2) I am grateful that I was able to go back to sleep after waking at 7:30 this morning. 3) I am grateful for the additional 3 hr kindy kip I had this afternoon. I have had 14hrs sleep in total today which is awesome. 4) I am grateful that I have had the house to myself again this afternoon and tonight. 5) I am grateful that I don't have to wake early tomorrow morning. I think another big sleep in is warranted. Blessings Addendum I am grateful for the amusing discussion between 2 fabulous people regarding Igor, possessions and innocence. Made my morning actually. Thank you boys xx

Grateful for this Friday

All I can say is that I am trying. I am really trying. Universe 1) I am grateful for the amazing run I had into work today. 2) I am grateful I managed to run the department meeting today without freaking out or making a fool of myself. 3) I am grateful I had my headphones in my handbag. I needed to listen to music to avoid an assault charge! 4) I am grateful for the stress free drive home today. I managed to get home in 40mins. 5) I am grateful I have the house to myself tonight. 6) I am grateful I am able to take an extra sedative tonight because I don't have anywhere to be tomorrow. Blessings

Grateful for this Thursday

I couldn't go to work early this morning. I woke up at 3 and had trouble getting back to sleep because of pain so I decided to leave home at 9 instead of 6. Really didn't make much of a difference because I didn't sleep but I needed that time. I really do wish I would stop crying though. I can feel myself spiraling downward out of control. I am having major troubles focusing at work, I am crying frequently, I am getting angry often and I don't have an appetite. Not that the loss of appetite is an issue but still, I know how the pieces of the puzzle fit. Universe 1) I am grateful I have the flexibility to change my start times 2) I am grateful I managed to get an important document completed today. 3) I am grateful I had fruit and yogurt at work still because it was all I really wanted for lunch. 4) I am grateful it only took me 40mins to get home tonight 5) I am grateful I have a large amount of pain meds that I can take tonight. I am hoping they give me the desi

Grateful for this Wednesday

Well fuck me dead. Ok, not a great way to start a gratitude journal but if I am going to die, that would be the way to go! I feel like death still. My muscles are worse today and if they aren't in spasm causing me pain, they give out and I fell down a flight of stairs due to my muscles giving out and I have hurt my back, tail bone and shoulder. To top it off, the pain from that made me throw up on myself so I had to smell that all the way home. Good thing is that I didn't have to catch the train because I drove in. I am not sure how I made it to the car and I would have stopped at the Dr's to get checked out but I was in too much pain and needed to get home. Fingers crossed it doesn't get worse tomorrow. To top off the top off, the traffic was a nightmare and as a result, I spent 90mins in the car in pain, with tears down my face and puke on my top. Yay for me. I nearly didn't place an entry tonight because even typing hurts, but I saw a message from my oldest niece

Grateful for this Tuesday

Today has been so painful and far from hilarious. I can't walk down stairs, I can't walk up stairs, I can't squat over the loo, I can't sit down or stand up from the loo because there is nothing to help me up, and I feel like crying. Yesterday it was funny. Today not so much. Tonight, kill me. I honestly feel so emotionally over it and it isn't just the pain from the PT session. I am exhausted at having to try to bloody hard at absolutely everything and even though I knew I would have to try and work hard at training, it just highlighted the fact that nothing in my life is easy right now and it hasn't been for some time. I would love to just be able to wake up and not have to struggle for an hour. I know I sound dramatic but I do struggle every hour of my waking life right now. I know I should be grateful that I am not worse off but frankly, I don't care about the starving, dying, sick, homeless, I just care about me and I have had enough. My life has to cha

Grateful for this Monday

What a miserable day to wake up to and have to get out of a warm bed and head to work. Well, I was so sleepy that i just maneuvered my way to the shower and got dressed without thinking. Had a cup of tea and went straight to the car by which time I may as well head off to work. I got to work early and no one was in the office for a good 30mins so I got a lot of work done. I then grabbed my coffee and my day was pretty good. My run home was even better. I started personal training tonight and I have to question why anyone would ask a fat woman to do squats considering the reason I am fat is because getting out of a chair is way to bloody hard. Good lord. Universe 1) I am grateful that I wake up at the point where it takes a lot longer to wake up so I don't realise what the time is until I am on my way to work. It is less painful that way. 2) I am grateful for the opportunity to drive to work this morning with my music going and even though it was raining, the trip was easy and r

Grateful for this Sunday

What a wet dark cold snuggly kind of day today has been. I managed to wake up, go back to sleep, wake up, go back to sleep, wake up and go back to sleep all between 5am and 1pm. I woke up feeling rather yuck with a really upset tum, sore throat and with every part of my body aching so I was really grateful for the extra sleeps. I did some cleaning and caught up on my tv viewing before my younger sister and her family came over for a wonderful dinner. Roast beef, yorkshire pudding, peas, mashed potato and gravy, all made from scratch. So yummy. I am looking forward to my lunch tomorrow. Universe 1) I am grateful I didn't take my electric blanket off my bed a couple of weeks ago. I was very grateful to be able to turn it on this morning. 2) I am grateful for the much needed extra sleep I managed to get today. 3) I am grateful for the relaxing day I have had today in between giving my bathroom a much needed scrub. 4) I am grateful for my sister and her family visiting us for din