
Showing posts from July 4, 2010

Grateful Saturday

What a wonderful day. I slept in until 9am which was a 3.5hr sleep in for me. I actually felt less refreshed when I got up but I 'woke up' about an hour later and felt great, well, after a cup of tea that is. I went to see 'Doogy Howser' and basically, apart from upping my asthma meds, I just have to ride this storm. Apparently I need a week in bed rather than being outside at 6:30am in the winter. thhhhhhhhh (That is my version of a raspberry). Like I can do that now. I could do that when I was unemployed but I didn't get this 3mths ago now did I??? Good grief. Anyway, I have had a great day. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sleep in I was able to have today. 2) I am grateful for the amazing cup of tea that I had which was very much needed an enjoyed. 3) I am grateful that although I didn't get great news from the Dr, ie a magic wand cure, I am not getting worse so that is a good thing. 4) I am grateful for the quick chat I had with my younger sister tod

Grateful for this Friday

Another Friday and I woke up really refreshed and full of energy. Thank goodness because I had a very busy and really big day. I had to prepare 40 different contracts today and that nearly sent my head for a spin. Once I got into the swing of things it was good but I stayed back until 7pm. I get to clock those hours up for a day off which is great. A girl in our team left today so we had Spanish tappas for lunch which was really fabulous. I then had to go for a 15min walk to another building for a 1 hour training session in the pouring rain. I mean, it was peeing down more than cats and dogs. I was so glad I took my umbrella, and even more glad when I discovered a short cut through the station all under cover! Universe 1) I am grateful that I woke up really refreshed and full of energy this morning. I am still not feeling well, but my energy is returning. 2) I am grateful that I managed to get most of the contracts done today. 3) I am grateful for the amazing Tappas bar I was intr

Grateful for this Thursday

All I seem to be doing in complaining about how crap I feel. I still feel like crap but I have a Dr's appointment on Saturday morning so hopefully he can sort me out. In particular, I would love to get my hearing back. My boss is French and while his heavy accent isn't a problem normally, with only 1 ear working at diminished capacity at best, I had to ask him to send me emails today. I just couldn't understand him lol. Bless his heart, he just thought it was funny and kept coming up behind me and scaring the crap out of me! Universe 1) I am grateful that once again the rain stopped when I had to go outside. It was really pouring down most of the day so I am really grateful. 2) I am grateful for the cup of tea I had this morning instead of a coffee. For some strange reason, I couldn't cope with coffee so I missed out on seeing my coffee boys. 3) I am grateful for the potato goulash I had for lunch. It seemed to be a lot hotter spice wise today so it was great. It h

Grateful for Wednesday

Another great day at work. I still find it amazing that the General Manager of my division actually wants to converse with me. I went to make a cup of tea this afternoon and our GM was there and asked me to sit and have a chat with him while we drank our tea. We talked about the system, how I was going, what I was interested in outside work etc. On a personal level, I still feel quite ill and today was not a good day at all. When will this end? Universe 1) I am grateful that the rain stopped whilst I had to walk in the open. The last 2 days have been perfect that way. 2) I am grateful that I had a bit of a walk during lunch time. 3) I am grateful for the potato goulash I have just had for dinner. It was amazing. 4) I am grateful for the great train debacle. We had to stop at a platform and move the 2nd carriage passengers to other carriages so this car could be locked down. There was a broken window and that is a safety hazard. Well, I was right in front of a broken window in an

Grateful for this Tuesday

The temperature this morning wasn't as cold due to the rain so I will take the glass half full approach. Another amazing day today. I still had trouble concentrating during training but it was in the morning and I had the afternoon to go through some things on my own as well as get a lot of admin done to get ready for a contract to be awarded. I paid a visit to my younger sister and the multitude of kids. She has family staying with her at the moment and that is great but she gets taken advantage of by others so not only does she have a house full of family, but added kids which just isn't right. She is so kind hearted and her friendship seems to be conditional on her babysitting availability. It just isn't right. I was glad I could go and let her vent tonight. She is a bloody saint if you ask me. Universe 1) I am grateful the weather wasn't as cold this morning. 2) I am grateful that the rain managed to stop when I needed to be outside. Very convenient indeed. 3)

Grateful for this Monday

The start of my 2nd working week for the year and it didn't disappoint. I had a great day. Universe 1) I am grateful that I woke up with joy at the prospect of going to work this morning 2) I am grateful that the rain stayed away today. 3) I am grateful that training went well for the first half of the session anyway. I am just grateful that I was alert and actively learning when our general manager came in and observed! 4) I am grateful that I managed to get home today. I am still not well and my asthma was starting to scare me again but I made it home to more meds and it is ok so far. 5) I am grateful to the young man who offered to give me his seat on the train today. Not sure if it is because I am a woman and he was showing old fashioned, lovely manners, or if it was because I looked pregnant! Either way, I am grateful because I was feeling quite unwell. 6) I am grateful for the tea and toast I had for dinner tonight. It was all I felt like and it was great. Blessings

Grateful for this Sunday

I would like to ask you Universe if you could take this flu/asthma/crap ick feeling away really quickly. It has been a lovely day though. Nice and sunny to hang out washing and very quiet and relaxing so I could snooze. Universe 1) I am grateful that I was able to watch 'Milk' on dvd in bed this morning after waking up at 6:30. What an amazing film. The Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgender (I think that covers it) comminity in some ways has come a long way. The Gay civil movement in the States lead by Harvey Milk started the freedom for this community but in many ways, we haven't come far at all. You can only marry if you are heterosexual in Australia and in many, many parts of the world. I just don't understand this. My 12yr old niece asked me yesterday if I knew any gay people and I said yes. She asked if I knew any gay people that were married. I said that in our country and most countries of the world, you can't get married to somebody if you are gay, ie a man can'