
Showing posts from June 27, 2010

Grateful Saturday

Not quite the start to the weekend I had planned. My plan was to sleep in but when you wake up at 5:30am and get straight out of bed, sleeping in on a weekend seems to mean being awake at the same time but having the luxury to stay in bed and watch dvd's. I dozed for a little while but didn't actually sleep but it was still a nice, although not my originally planned, way to start a weekend. Then about 15mins after I dragged myself out of bed, my younger sister, niece and little nephew came around for a coffee and visit. I had my usual greeting from my niece 'Hi Aunty Tarn, can I go on the pc' and the usual greeting from my sister, 'Hi, I'll put the kettle on' and the usual greeting from my little nephew 'Hi, My Tarn Tarn' with a jump and then a huge grin and cuddle. I baby sat the 2 kids late afternoon/evening while my sister had to pick up and drop off from the airport so I had some quality time with the kidlets. It was wonderful. I am bout to jump

Grateful for this Friday

Hooray for Friday and my first week back at work. I survived so I am thrilled. I am still not well, but I am looking forward to resting this weekend. I have noticed that since I have been catching the train this week, I believe my tolerance level for others has decreased considerably. Firstly, there is snoring loud eating man, now smelly alcohol morning man, shaved bald mono brow man (seriously, a mono brow doesn't compensate for lack of hair), man with a field of potatoes growing around his ears, smelly smoke girl who travels between the carriages to smoke when it is near freezing outside, and why does a winter train smell of mothballs? People, get your winter woollies out of storage and air them! My aim for the next week is to be more tolerant, less critical of others, less judgmental of others and try to observe the good things about others. Universe 1) I am grateful that I have survived my first week at work, and I have loved it. 2) I am grateful that I was able to particip

Grateful for this Thursday

It wasn't as cold this morning as it was the last few days so that was wonderful. I am still feeling crappy, but I still had a good day. I am looking forward to the weekend and just sleeping, staying warm and hopefully getting rid of this bug for good. My boss asked me the funniest question today. 'Are you always this quiet and conscientious?' For those that know me, it is probably the funniest question to ask me. I am not usually quiet, or am I? It got me thinking. Have I finally won my battle with my mood? I get employed or promoted when I am manic and I am climbing out of depression and I still get employed, and I am being paid a hell of a lot more, it is a better job, better conditions and I am already being noticed as being conscientious. Perhaps this is the 'normal' that I need to be in. I don't mind this kind of normal. I don't feel elated, but I don't feel sad either. I almost feel content with life. Perhaps contentment is what I have been search

Grateful for Wednesday

At 5:30am, it is really hard to believe you can be at all grateful particularly when it is below freezing outside for the 3rd morning in a row. Well, I made it and yep, I have things to be grateful for. I have to be honest and say that I am really still quite unwell medically, now with a sinus infection to add to the chest infection which hasn't responded to 2 lots of antibiotics, and the asthma, plus a massive headache but I am still wanting to go to work. This is a great thing and I am just focusing on the end of the week. I will be sleeping most a Saturday I would think, after a visit to my doctor, and Sunday, might have to be a rest day too, but that is ok. I am quite upset that I have had to postpone my gym appointment for at least another week. I can't go unless I am completely well but I don't want to start and then end up having to have a week off work because I am in hospital. I will get there. I worked out today that I am doing around 30mins of walking in blocks.

Grateful for this Tuesday

It was the coldest morning in over 20yrs this morning and boy did I feel it. I jumped straight from a warm bed, to a warm shower and then into my warm bedroom (I popped the heater on so my room was warm for my naked return) and then out to a cold kitchen for a hot cuppa, and an egg on toast. I didn't realise how cold it was until I went outside to turn my car on to heat up before brushing my teeth and gathering my goods and chattels. I know I said the grass crunched and the car was covered in ice yesterday, but glory be if today the ice wasn't double the thickness, and the grass even crunchier, not to mention the slippery brick path to my car. This start to the day normally wouldn't thrill me but I was excited to be amongst it. My train ride was very cold but exciting because I am in India (Eat Pray Love) and Liz is talking to me so much of the time. I got to my building, flirted with the coffee guy, got my coffee ($2.70 with my own cup) and signed on at 8:15. I felt fabulo

Grateful for this Monday

My first day in my new job. What a bloody cold morning it was. There was a thick layer of ice on my car and the grass was crunchy! My boss is lovely with a very cute french accent, and my team mates are lovely. I am really pleased I am looking after professional services rather than something like construction! A little more classy if you ask me lol. My day was very boring but I don't really care. It was nice to be doing something different and getting payed a lot to do it. Universe 1) I am grateful that I had a heater this morning when I woke up. It was very cold. 2) I am grateful for the breakfast of a poached egg and a eye piece of bacon my pa cooked for breakfast. 3) I am grateful I got a seat on the train this morning and was able to start re-reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Amazing book. 4) I am grateful for the nice people I met today and that I enjoyed my first day. 5) I am grateful that I managed to keep my emotions in check today and that I wasn't

Grateful for this Sunday

Wow! After an amazing day yesterday, I did end up getting to bed early, well before 11pm anyway. That was great, but I woke up at 5:45am! I got up, checked my emails and facebook, grabbed a hot cup of tea and went back to bed. I couldn't sleep, so I just watched a dvd and then got up and sorted out some washing before heading off to get a few last minute things for work tomorrow. I still can't believe I will be going to work tomorrow. I am very excited, but again, I am really tired so I am going to stay awake for as long as I can before climbing into bed and hopefully not waking up too early. I am glad I am tired because I am excited but quite nervous about how I will react to everything tomorrow but getting to sleep won't be a problem. Universe 1) I am grateful I took the time to take my make up off last night. I was reluctant because it looked so pretty but my face was very thankful this morning. Nicely moisturised and divine. 2) I am grateful that I was in bed early