
Showing posts from June 6, 2010

Grateful Saturday

It hasn't been a great day health wise. I was awake most of the night coughing and wheezing and my glands in my neck feel like I have swim rings on as a necklace. There are still things to be grateful for although the things I am grateful for today are the small things I usually take for granted. Universe 1) I am grateful that I was able to stay warm in bed last night while watching DVD's. Coughing doesn't do much for your sleep so the fact I could be entertained in the process was great. 2) I am grateful that I was able to have a day watching pre-recorded tv today. I really don't remember what I watched because I have been quite spaced out all day but it was nice all the same. 3) I am grateful that I have come to really love green tea with lemon and honey. I don't have any more ginger and since I don't have a head cold, I have given the chili a miss and have enjoyed the warm soothing drink often through out the day. 4) I am grateful for the box of lemons

Grateful for this Friday

Universe, you came through for me. I should never have doubted you. All of this has been for a reason and only when I had had enough rest and time to re-evaluate my life did you think it was time for me to be offered an amazing role. I know I have been grateful for my past relationships, no matter how horrible and soul destroying they were, because I needed to determine and acknowledge what I will and won't accept in my life when it comes to relationships. I have to be grateful for the past work related events that have taught me to establish what I will and won't accept and I have learnt that I need to establish my bar a little lower for myself when it comes to the work force so that I won't disappoint myself or those around me if I have a downward phase. This will keep the pressure off and less pressure means less chance of me falling. I have also learnt that I need to monitor myself so that I can pick up early enough when I am hitting the start of a manic phase. While th

Grateful for this Thursday

Today started off pretty crappy with my body being taken over by a drag queen. Well, that is what my voice sounded like anyway. I felt, and still do, quite flu-ish and so over the wheezy cough. I had a visit from my sister and the little one which is always nice and then I got a message to say that I have passed the criminal check (thank god the Hawaii incident didn't come up!) and once the drug screen is received tomorrow, a letter of offer will be sent to me. I am almost officially employed as a government employee. Brilliant. I wrote an SOS email to my dear friend at asking for some clothing advice because I need to update, actually create, a winter wardrobe. She has been amazingly wonderful. I feel so blessed that the universe introduced me to her by chance on a facebook fan page of an overseas fashion label which she now stocks! The universe is amazing and so is my friend. Universe 1) I am grateful for waking up and not having a head cold. I kno

Grateful for Wednesday

Waking up with a cold and chest infection is one thing, but to also have to contend with a migraine whilst having the persistent need to cough is quite another. Needless to say, I am digging deep for my 5 things to be grateful for today but here I go. Universe 1) I am grateful that I didn't have to go to work today. I am grateful that I have been able to stay in bed and deal with this body of mine in its state of rebelion. 2) I am grateful for the boiled egg and toast soldiers my pa made for me today. I really didn't feel like eating. Actually, I felt like throwing up, but my mother always said that a soft boiled egg and toast was a good meal if you weren't well and good grief, she was right. I did feel somewhat better and was able to take more medication for my head. 3) I am grateful for the cup of tea concoction that helps to sooth my throat and my nose. I am no longer stuffed up and my sore throat has gone. Just the sore ears and glands and the cough to content with

Grateful for this Tuesday

Peeing in a cup this morning was the last of the rigmarole so now I play the waiting game. Teaching was put off until tomorrow which was a good thing because the migraine that has been hovering really hit today on my way home from the testing office. Took all the meds that I have been told too and the migraine is still with me. Vision has gone from my right eye (usually migraines hit my left side so it is a newie for me) and the throbbing is making me ill but I still wanted to get in front of the pc to do this entry tonight before I hit the sack. It is so important for me to continue this and not miss a day because this journal keeps me on track. Universe 1) I am grateful that the testing today was quick and as simple as peeing in a cup. I was worried they would do a medical and I just wouldn't pass the fitness test right now so that was a relief. 2) I am grateful that the migraine arrived when I got home and the aura wasn't bad enough to affect my driving capability. 3)

Grateful for this Monday

I knew today was going to be a big day for me. Gathering my birth certificate to prove I am allowed to work here, filling in forms, copying, getting the copies verified, scanning, emailing, posting, emailing again because my files are being received as corrupt but they aren't because there is no virus on my pc and then they said they would wait until they received the posted forms tomorrow. Good grief. This may not seem like a lot to do and you are right. On any normal work day previously, this would have taken around 1hr maximum. Today it took all day. I was so confused with the different paper work that needed to go here, there and everywhere, and what needed to go where etc, that my brain is fried and I am mentally exhausted but, I did it. Universe 1) I am grateful that the stomach bug that attacked me around 2am left pretty quickly so I was able to complete the days required tasks. 2) I am grateful that I managed to get my birth certificate without waiting. This is a big th

Grateful for this Sunday

It was so wonderful to wake up to sunshine beaming in through my blinds this morning. So nice to see the sun after some really rainy miserable weather. It has been quite a long day and I am quite tired so this will be a short entry. Universe 1) I am grateful for the return of the sun albeit only for a few hours. 2) I am grateful that the headache I woke up with only ended up being a small thud through out the day, thanks to the pain killers. 3) I am grateful that I was able to find my great nephew a great birthday gift today. It is always difficult to buy presents kids because whether the choice is between Diego or Thomas the Tank Engine or Justin Bieber and High School Musical, kids tastes change like the wind. 4) I am grateful for the big family get together (minus a cantankerous Pa). It is always nice to see everyone, although exhausting. I must admit, I hate the question 'So how are things?'. Really difficult to put a positive spin on things on the spot. Positivity ta