
Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Grateful Friday

Today I am grateful that I woke up without too many complaints I am grateful that I have sorted my getting dressed, make up, teeth, hair all in under 10 mins. I am grateful my heartburn seems to have settled. I am grateful I started the next chapter for my course. I think this chapter is going to be better as it has more maths in it. I am grateful I have a workshop today. Not looking forward to it but it is time out of the office which is good.

Grateful Thursday

Today I am grateful that I woke up feeling refreshed even though I woke up a couple of times during the night I am grateful I eventually worked out what day it was this morning. I woke up a little confused. I am grateful that I managed to get quite a bit of work done during my first hour. it went quickly. I am grateful My day has gone pretty quickly and i have done quite a bit of work. I am grateful for the weather today. It is sunny with a slight breeze. The sunshine is coming into my office as is the breeze and it makes me feel great.

Grateful Wednesday

Today I am grateful I was able to work from home yesterday. I am grateful for my morning cuppa break with my sister. I am grateful I managed to get some study done during some boring times I am grateful I had a good appointment with my psychiatrist. I am grateful to be able to go to Uni. My shrink said that my cognition is compromised due to a severe mental illness so I can't expect to do as well as I did last time i studied. Plus I am older and it has only been 10 days. I just have to rejig my expectations.

Grateful Tuesday

Today I am grateful for waking up feeling nearly normal. I am grateful for my first cup of tea. I am grateful that today was nice and warm I am grateful for Pa driving me home from the station. I am grateful I didn't have dinner last night but had weetbix instead. I didn't feel well in my stomach I am grateful I didn't throw up yesterday.

Grateful Monday

Today I am grateful that I woke up feeling quite refreshed. I am grateful I am feeling a lot better I am grateful that the infection and cold sores around my eye are almost gone I am grateful I am loving applying makeup every day again. I am grateful that I can go to bed early and watch m tv. It is a great relaxation time for me.

Grateful Friday, Saturday and Sunday

I have been feeling quite ill so I am a bit slack on my blogging still but here goes Friday I am grateful that I woke up and felt well enough to go to work I am grateful for my painkillers today I am grateful that after a huge blowing of my nose I seem to have cleared a lot of the infection While I am at it I am grateful for the antibiotics that are helping get rid of the infection I am grateful I started to feel quite a lot better by home time I am grateful i had the day blocked out for nothing but resting I am grateful I slept until 12 I am grateful i was able to have another couple of hours of napping I am grateful that pa's temper wasn't a huge blow out last night I am grateful that I have a tv in my room and an electric blanket on my bed. It means going to bed early and getting to sleep wasn't difficult. I am grateful I woke up early but was able to stay in bed and watch tv. I am grateful that my sister took me to a new shopping centre to get a new bat