
Showing posts from September 12, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

It was a beautiful day today. The sun was shining and it was really lovely and warm. I went out shopping early this morning and got 2 bras. My 'girls' are very grateful for that, and I spent some time with my little sis and her munchkins. Universe 1) I am grateful that I got to sleep in a little today. 2) I am grateful for the referral to a bra shop. Amazing service and wonderful bas. My girls are up out and proud. 3) I am grateful for the sunshine 4) I am grateful for the time I spent with my sister and her kids today 5) I am grateful for the amazing friends I have made on facebook. It really is hard to believe that you can make friends with people that you don't know but I really care about these people. They are wonderful and I have had a really good laugh and chat with a couple of them today. Very blessed. I am looking forward to the day when I can go and meet them in person. Blessings

Grateful for this Friday

I got up this morning knowing it was a Friday and that it would be pretty easy, and it was. A 90min lunch paid for by the boss, boss telling me to take extra time getting back to the office, getting a thank you email from a business client copying 'everyone' and saying how helpful and great I have been and then the GM who is leaving to said to me that he has had some great feedback about me and that there are many opportunities at my current work place but if I am looking for a change to give him a call, then I left at 4. Fabulous day. I am still quite frightened about feeling good but I am trying to get that out of my head. Universe 1) I am grateful that today is Friday. It has been another very long week. 2) I am grateful for the team lunch we had today and that my boss paid for out of his own money, not company money. We do have a great team. 3) I am grateful that I was shown appreciation via email today. It is really nice to get things like this in writing. 4) I am gr

Grateful for this Thursday

I think one of the worst things about this illness is that I start to hate the good days. That sounds really strange but when I start to feel good and I have highlights of 'hyper' during the day I wonder if it is just me having a good day or if it is me heading manic which only means that depression will follow. I know I will turn it around and just start to allow the good feelings to happen but at the moment I am unstable and with instability comes questions and self doubt, fear, paranoia, and sadness. I feel sad because I have to learn what is acceptable happiness again and will I be content with a 'mediocre' version of happiness. I mean, manic happiness is better than any upper I have experienced. Everything else is bland happiness, or is that my brain playing with me and trying to play the 'medication takes away your happiness and creativity, so stop taking it' game? Seriously, I am too tired for this tonight. I am off to bed after a nice hot shower. Unive

Grateful for this Wednesday

Oh what a day. It has been a strange one and then I really was cranky at the end of my work day so I took myself home. I was home by 6pm and it was wonderful. Universe 1) I am grateful that I had a great meeting again today. Productive and I felt respected for my knowledge. 2) I am grateful that I work for a company that doesn't just talk about mutual respect and team work, but actually lives by it as well. I feel respected as a subject matter expert and the teamwork is amazing. 3) I am grateful for the laugh I got today after I messaged on FB about the adult McDonalds playland being set up in the park across from my work. It was hilarious by the time we got finished. 4) I am grateful for the chat I had with my 2yr old nephew over the phone today. 5) I am grateful I am home early, the house is empty and I can go to bed when ever I like. Blessings

Grateful for this Tuesday

I had a good day today, apart from getting caught in the rain. Easy day at work and teaching was good. I hope the momentum keeps up. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sunny start to the morning even if the day didn't follow. 2) I am grateful that my day was an easy one at work. 3) I am grateful that I still got a lunch time walk in despite the rain. 4) I am grateful I got to leave work a little earlier today. 5) I am grateful teaching went well and that I am earlier than usual. Blessings

Grateful for this Monday

Wow. Monday didn't start off too fabulously but when I got a big grin from my boss, my mind set turned around. I actually had a pretty good day today. I did some training, had some meetings, completed an amazing amount of work and I am home, needing dinner, then record some music and then to bed. Universe 1) I am grateful that since March 14 I have had 920 things to be grateful for. This is an amazing thing to me since the past few months have been so unstable emotionally. This is amazing. 2) I am grateful for the grin my boss gave me which changed my thought patterns around and changed my day 3) I am grateful for the productive meetings I have had today 4) I am grateful for the amazing amount of work that I achieved today. 5) I am grateful for the networking that I have been doing and that I am really accepted as a knowledge expert. I don't think I have ever felt that in a work place before. Blessings

Grateful for this Sunday

It is also a day to reflect on 9/11 and those who died and have been affected. It is the 12th here but I remember waking up around midnight on the 12th by 'it' and flicking on the tv and wondering why every channel had the same movie on. Then it hit me that this wasn't a movie and I think I stopped breathing for a moment. I went out to my flat mate and we watched the tv. The day that changed the world forever. This is a day to be grateful more than any other. One of my facebook friends was only a few blocks away from this at the time and my heart sank again today when I read that. To know somebody, even via distance, who was there, who was only feet away from the twin towers just brings it home. It was real. It did happened and real people were and still are affected. Being such a long way away tends to give us a buffer from the reality. I just can't imagine what it would have been like to be there and I just send blessings, love and strength to those who lost loved one