
Showing posts from August 1, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

A simply glorious day today. The sunshine was amazing. I had planned on getting contacts today but due to issues pointed out by the optometrist, that has been put on hold for 2 weeks. I am not too disappointed though. Universe 1) I am grateful for the beautiful weather we had today. 2) I am grateful that I got out early and haven't had a kindy kip because I need to wake up earlier than a sparrows fart in the morning....and it is SUNDAY. Early starts and no kindy kip will ensure I get a good sleep tonight. 3) I am grateful that I got to go shopping with my sister and nephew today. So wonderful to share the task of grocery shopping with somebody. makes the task go much quicker. 4) I am grateful for the time I have with my 12yr old niece tonight. She is having a sleep over and joining me on my early morning adventure. 5) I am grateful that my niece has assisted me in sorting through my office/music room. This needed to be done so she could fit the spare mattress in there. It wa

Grateful for this Friday

TFIF! It has been a very long week this week. I am not complaining because it has been a good week, but I am very grateful that it is Friday night and I don't have to go to work tomorrow morning. Universe 1) I am grateful that the train was late as I was too and it meant I still got to work at a reasonable hour. 2) I am grateful that I work at such an amazing place. Our division has organised an International Master Chef lunch for a couple of weeks time. We all bring in dish that has meaning to us and our culture and we get to share together. The master chef comes in when the 5 best looking dishes get tasted by 5 judges and the winner gets glory. Possibly a blurb in our work newsletter. Just a lot of fun. Our weekly division meeting happens at 9:10am every Friday (don't know why 9:10) and it is only a little bit to do with business, the rest is fun stuff, updates on what people are getting up to etc. Just great fun. 3) I am grateful for the amazing grilled Portuguese chic

Grateful for this Thursday

I have had a very busy day today. It was just as well, because I could have easily fallen asleep at the slightest pause during the day. Universe 1) I am grateful for my busy day today which helped to keep me awake. 2) I am grateful for the walk that I had which also helped to wake me up. 3) I am grateful that I got a lot of work done today. I have written a contract, had it approved by legal, and that is just the start of the accomplishments and the one I am most impressed with today. 4) I am grateful for the chance to sit and start a new book to and from work today. 5) I am grateful that I am exhausted today. During my 'down' phase, I had felt exhausted but it wasn't a pleasant exhaustion. It never made me feel good. The last few days, exhaustion has been almost comforting. You know the exhaustion you feel just before you fall into a nice warm bed on a winters night and you fall asleep just as you hit the pillow. That is always a great feeling. Blessings

Grateful for Wednesday

I am really loving life at the moment. Sure, health is on the improve but not brilliant, but I am loving my job, I love the people I work with, I love catching the train to and from work, I love my morning coffee, I love going for my walks at lunch time, I love the fact that I am in a great location at work so I can explore so many parts of town, I love the fact that I can be an Aussie tourist in Chinatown just 5mins from my work, and everything really is going well. It is amazing. It seems ridiculous to be grateful for a cup of tea, or an hour of peace and quiet, or the fact that I woke up and didn't feel horrible, but this is where being grateful is so awesome. These small, seemingly insignificant, things to be grateful for and then sprinkled with little things that seem more realistic to be grateful for and those sprinkles are then turned into showers of wonderful blessings and so it goes. It hit me today. I am grateful for that! Universe 1) I am grateful for the 'sleep i

Grateful for this Tuesday

I am so glad teaching went well today. After the last effort where I was quite cranky, I was dreading what I would walk into but I needn't have worried. Today was quite a good day actually. Pain killers are still keeping me able to function, I went for a shorter walk than usual, but a walk all the same, I had a laugh with the guys at work, yet another colleague called me young lady, I got a good deal of work done and I survived a very long day. Universe 1) I am grateful that I didn't get blown away today in the city. I was nearly toppled over and I am honestly grateful I weigh as much as I do. The wind was the strongest I have ever experienced. 2) I am grateful that I caught an even earlier train today and got o work at 7:30. This meant I could leave work at 4 and not have to make up hours. 3) I am grateful that I have learnt to stay calm and not make my own stress at work. One of the girls that works with me, the whinger, is manifesting so much stress and worry and along

Grateful for this Monday

I went to work today even though I really should have another week off. I am glad I went though. I got to read my book on the train on the way to work because I got a seat and it was on the early fast train! I had quite a bit of work to do today and I managed to get it all done. I had a 'one on one' with a gorgeous young Swedish man who is simply to die for and he said I know more about the workings of the system than most people who have been using it since it went live 18mths ago! Charmer. I also went for a walk today to get out of the office and away from the bright glare of the fluorescent lights, and to top off the day, I got a seat on a train on the way home and got to read my book again. Funnily enough, reading doesn't make my head hurt any more than it does. It is just the bright lights so New York and the stage will have to wait for a while. Universe 1) I am grateful that I went to work today and managed to get through the day pretty well. 2) I am grateful for

Grateful for this Sunday

What a glorious day! the sun was shining and it was really warm. I couldn't just sit inside and do nothing today. I hate wasting weekends and I wasn't going to spend another Sunday in bed like last week so after a visit from my sister and her kids, I took some pain killers and i took myself out for a short drive and a short trip to the grocery store. Then a visit to my sisters to drop something of and back home. I have been feeling a little agitated which I think has a lot to do with the pain I am experiencing but also from feeling restricted in what I can do at the moment. I feel quite a bit more relaxed tonight thanks to my outing and i think the time in the sunshine. Universe 1) I am grateful for the warm sunshine you gave us today. 2) I am grateful for the visit from my younger sister and her family. It is always nice to have a cuddle and a chat. 3) I am grateful that I took myself out for an hour or so today. It was great to get out in the sunshine and also great to a