
Showing posts from November 14, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

I took my niece out today to get her a dress and shoes and bolero and headband and teeshirt for her birthday. I can't help but spoil her and it is her 13th. Universe 1) I am grateful I had a sleep in of sorts this morning. 2) I am grateful the pending migraine I woke up with waited until tonight to hit me. 3) I am grateful for the time I spent with my niece today. 4) I am grateful we were able to find something really beautiful for her 5) I am grateful the migraine held off until tonight to strike. Blessings

Grateful for this Friday

What a day. It started off badly and went down hill. I don't know how many people I yelled at for their shear stupidity and the fact that their stupidity caused me unnecessary stress, and work. Due to the crap day, my thoughts have been heading down a path of crap. I know I need to be thinking in a positive light about my future but honestly it is really difficult right now. What is there in my future? I have no partner or children and close friends I have pushed away. Then I need to think about the fact that I have the mood roller coaster to bring excitement and heart ache, and while I have a job that I love now, I am only on a fixed term contract which has been extended from 14mths to 2yrs but that is only if I can keep my moods under control. How long will I be able to work for before it is too much for me? All I seem to have is my work an that isn't enough to keep me going. I feel completely overwhelmed and lost in a sea of thoughts that while they are all true and valid, m

Grateful for this Thursday

Today has been a very strange day. My IPhone is having issues so when I woke up and looked at the time it said it was 10:45pm on Tuesday night. I was quite excited and went back to sleep until I did the 1 eye open thing and the penny dropped. Universe 1) I am grateful I woke up when I did this morning because the alarm wouldn't have woken me. 2) I am grateful I had an easy day today. 3) I am grateful that the meetings I had went well 4) I am grateful for the tuna pasta and fruit I had for lunch. It was honestly one of the best lunches I have had in quite some time. 5) I am grateful I had an amazing run home with very little traffic. Blessings

Grateful for this Wednesday

I had quite a good day today at work. Things were quiet but I have been able to get a lot done. I also spent the afternoon being the English guide for my French boss while he wrote a document for the GGM. He also has me playing mentor for a new starter which I find hilarious since I am only 4ish months old. Universe 1) I am grateful I was able to have a lazy morning enjoying my cup of tea this morning before heading to work. 2) I am grateful for the multiple cups of coffee I bought and consumed this morning. Although they didn't help wake me up, they were good. 3) I am grateful that my boss is keeping my workload light and getting me to mentor. I think his instincts are kicked in because I am not going to cope with too much at the moment. 4) I am grateful for the break from the office I got today. 5) I am grateful for the tuna pasta I made for dinner. It was awesome. 6) I am grateful for the laughs on facebook I have had recently Blessings

Grateful for this Tuesday

Tuesday teaching night and the day ended quite well, apart from a 'Death by PowerPoint' training presentation I had to attend. Universe 1) I am grateful I got to work on time today after lazing in bed for an additional 15mins. 2) I am grateful the rain stopped and the sun came out 3) I am grateful I managed to get a lot of admin done today. Tomorrow I just have to finish it off. 4) I am grateful for the walk I went on today during my lunch break 5) I am grateful teaching was painless tonight. Blessings

Grateful for this Monday

After the heat yesterday, the rain and cold weather appeared. I ended up going to work and having a pretty good day. Some gastro issues but pretty good otherwise. I am still having some thought process issues but I am trying to ignore them and not analyse them. Universe 1) I am grateful it was cooler today. I am grateful I didn't haven't to drive home in the heat. 2) I am grateful that my desk is not too far from the bathroom. 3) I am grateful my thoughts haven't taken over. I am grateful that I am sane enough to recognise this. 4) I am grateful I got an amazing amount of work done to ensure a deadline was met. 5) I am grateful I had a reasonably good run home and that I am ready for a good nights sleep. I know it is going to be easier to sleep tonight. Blessings

Grateful for this Sunday

Well I have slept, rested, and slobbed my way through this weekend and while I needed it, I didn't enjoy it one bit. All of that time doing nothing allows the mind to wonder. I have had some nice day dreams (yes very nice and I chose not to expand right now) but I have also had my mind going into over drive on the negative bad crap and at one point, I felt myself be engulfed in darkness. It was honestly quite scary but I was able to get myself out of it. I am glad that I have that strength right now and I am hoping that that strength continues until the thoughts etc go away. Universe 1) I am grateful I was able to sleep well last night considering the increase in temperature. 2) I am grateful I have been able to rest this weekend because I believe that is what I have needed. 3) I am grateful I had recorded some tv programs so I could watch them today. There is nothing on tv on a Sunday. 4) I am grateful that I am still able to day dream good day dreams. My imagination is so v