
Showing posts from April 11, 2010

Grateful Saturday

Today has been a somewhat better day. With the help of my younger sister, some positive steps have been taken by all and I think that things may be starting to look up in a few areas which is wonderful. Universe 1) I am grateful that I don't have to dig as deep today to find things to be grateful for! 2) I am grateful that my sister came around, by herself today so we could have a really good chat. As much as I love my niece and nephews, it is hard to have a deep adult conversation with them around. 3) I am grateful that her and I have made some decisions today to make our lives easier. We will start the journey of moving in together very very soon and that will take pressure off everyone, getting some ebay'ing going to de-clutter and we will use my creativity and her organisational abilities to make some extra cash. Very exciting times ahead 4) I am grateful that I have been able to find some creativity and draw today. I have just done sketches at this point but I hope t

Grateful for this Friday

Digging deep again today but I will not miss a day because I can't allow myself to fall any further. Universe 1) I am grateful that I was able to get a really long sleep last night with the aid of a sleeping tablet. When things were really hyper, they didn't work, but now I am able to recharge and hopefully the rest will help reboot my brain. 2) I am grateful for the wonderful cups of tea I have enjoyed today. I really am used to skim milk in my tea now so I am back to enjoying that little pleasure. 3) I am grateful that I was able to have a sleep this afternoon and recharge yet again. I am still tired so I don't doubt that I will sleep well again tonight. 4) I am grateful that even though I feel as bad as I do, that I actually can feel something at all. The only feeling worse that this is feeling nothing at all because that indicates you are slowly dying as a person. Existing isn't living. 5) I am grateful that I have some peace and quiet tonight. I need some ti

Grateful for this Thursday

I had to admit it to myself today that I am not a well chicken and that I can't run away from it. I have to tackle this head on and realise it isn't weak to ask for help. So today saw me make headway with that and also, a major meltdown but I think some positives can come from that. I have my sister putting the wheels in motion to convert her garage into a room so my Pa can move in with her. First thing is getting a quote for the work. Something positive will come out of all this. I just need to keep that in mind. Universe 1) I am grateful that I was able to admit to myself that I am unwell and that I have asked for help. This is a big step for me. 2) I am grateful that I have found somebody that seems to understand me and I think that she can help me get control again 3)I am grateful that I have been mentally well for 10yrs. This has been a tough job but I have done it. This means that I know that I will be able to get back to wellness again. 4) I am grateful that I have

Grateful for Wednesday

Today was in some ways even worse than yesterday mood wise, but it was great that I didn't have the pressure of anyone else being in the house. Wednesdays is my pa's day out and he doesn't get back until around 9pm. I will be getting out tomorrow as I have an appointment to get to and a few things I need to get done so there is the motivation to get out of the house. I don't actually know what happened today. Not sure where it went but I woke up and now it is dark. Very odd. So, needless to say, I am digging deep for this entry. Universe 1) I am grateful for the peace and quiet I have had today 2) I am grateful that I have had a plentiful supply of tissues in the house 3) I am grateful that I am starting to get used to tea with skim milk instead of full fat 4) I am grateful for the chili chicken wings I made today. It has been the only thing I have eaten today and the only thing I have felt like. The chili was so hot it made me cough and my nose and eyes run and

Grateful for this Tuesday

Today has been a very tough day for me. I didn't sleep well, waking up worrying about things which are irrational, and just feeling completely drained and mood on the down-low of a mediocre scaling system. If there was a reason for my sudden drop in mood then I wouldn't be so... down.... but I can't explain it because nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the last 24hrs. Perhaps I need to do something out of the ordinary. Now that is something to ponder. I have really had to dig deep for these ones Universe 1) I am grateful that I woke early and was able to hop back into bed to keep warm with a cup of tea and my heated wheat bag. 2) I am grateful that I had to go to teaching today. It would have been so easy to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself 3) I am grateful that my students mum (a little younger than me) thinks I am wise enough to ask my advice on non-musical 'stuff'. 4) I am grateful for the welcome by the 'babies' at my students house

Grateful for this Monday

Wow, another glorious day. I have had a great day with a break through or 2 which I have spoken about on my other blog I have also planned my creative venture for the next few days so I am feeling a spark again tonight. Universe 1) I am grateful that I am able to appreciate the beautiful weather we have been having recently. There have been times in my life where that level of consciousness has not been possible so I thank you for that. 2) I am grateful that I have experienced such highs and lows in my life that I have a great and reliable gauge on how fantastic small things can be like the sun shine 3) I am grateful that I have a new office chair and I have had some survey money come through to pay for that. 4) I am grateful for my candle collection. It is nice to be able to pop on a calming beautiful smelling candle and embrace the soft light 5) I am grateful that I am able to express myself creatively. It is such a leveler for me and it is something

Grateful for this Sunday

It was such a glorious day that I decided to go for a drive and a walk through a country market. Wonderful. Universe 1) I am grateful for the beautiful day we had today which meant I could get some washing on the line. 2) I am grateful for a couple of gift cards I had either been given, won, or obtained via points redemption, so I was able to get a few more craft supplies such as paint, some typical boy fabric for some appliqué and some more thread. Creativity here I come. 3) I am grateful for free internet patterns and inspiration. 4) I am grateful that I was able to go for a drive today in my little margarine car and then walk through the country market. Nice to have a bit of a look at what 'real crafters' are up to and to sample some amazing pickles, jams and sauces 5) I am grateful that I can put $20 worth of fuel in my empty car and it is 3/4 full. I am grateful that I have a small car and not the huge gas munchers. My car may not have all the creature comforts but