
Showing posts from August 29, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

I am not going to bother going into details of my day today but lets just say I am clutching at straws coming up with this entry today. Universe 1) I am grateful for getting up a little later than usual 2) I am grateful that I had an early appointment at the optometrist today which meant I had to leave the house 3) I am grateful for my appointment with Dr Doogie today, I think. Noting like a Dr tat is so calm when he is being forceful and over reacting. I guess somebody has to. 4) I am grateful I am home now 5) I am grateful that I get to sleep in my own bed tonight with my electric blanket and comfy pillows. Blessings

grateful for this Friday

Today was a tough morning. I am so incredibly tired due to the meds and the anger is creeping its way back up on the 'death to all in my path' status. Good day at work though with meetings keeping me busy and distracted. I was able to leave early which meant I was home just after 5 but the train ride was a test in restraint. I made it but only by the skin of my teeth. Universe 1) I am grateful that I managed to find the motivation to get up and go to work today. I could have easily stayed home in bed. 2) I am grateful for the hot chocolate I indulged in this morning. 3) I am grateful for the meetings I had at work today which acted as a distraction. 4) I am grateful for the opportunity to leave early and get home before 6pm. 5) I am grateful my Pa has gone out and won't be back until around 1am. This gives me some peace and quiet and some alone time. Blessings

Grateful for this Thursday

Welcome to the 2nd day of spring. Cloudy and raining. Oh well, not to worry. I got to work at a decent hour had my cereal and a white hot chocolate with cinnamon and my day actually went up from there. Dealing with bloody ridiculously stupid people makes me laugh. Complimentrary feedback makes me smile, meeting deadlines and showing people and myself that I know what I am doing and I am actually highly skilled is a boost to the self esteem. Universe 1) I am grateful for the easy morning I had today. I was very tired again but it seemed quite leisurely. 2) I am grateful for the amazing feedback I got from the 2nd in charge today. 3) I am grateful that instead of losing my temper with stupid people, I actually was able to laugh, after I stormed off and went for a walk. 4) I am grateful that I had the opportunity to prove to myself and consequently others, that I don't need to fee;l incompetent. I am bloody good at what I do. 5) I am grateful for my contact lenses although the

Grateful for this Wednesday

I was so extremely tired this morning that I went back to bed for an hour. Unfortunately, it didn't change my energy levels but I actually enjoyed the privilege. I had a good day at work considering. Some very productive meetings and yet again I have shown that I am bloody good and systems and I am bloody good at the strategic part of my job as well. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sleep in I gave myself this morning. 2) I am grateful that I have a job where start and finishing times aren't a major issue 3) I am grateful that I had productive meetings today 4) I am grateful that I got to show others and myself that I am bloody good at my job, both systems and strategic sourcing. 5) I am grateful that my sister was able to pick me up from the station today and drive me home. I have an empty house now and I am about to hit the hay. Blessings

Grateful for this Tuesday

Teaching night tonight so I got home late. This will be a quick entry Universe 1) I am grateful that I took the long way to work this morning 2) I am grateful that I caught the earlier train which meant I could get the earlier train 3) I am grateful that I had a good day at work. Nothing stressful, taxing or out of the ordinary and I had a lot of laughs and chats with the team 4) I am grateful for teaching and the fact that the kids were on their game. 5) I am grateful for the laugh I had with my sister tonight. Blessings

Grateful for this Monday

A new week and a fresh start after a long weekend. I actually had a great day today. I really enjoy the people I work with and the job is pretty good too. Not too stressful at all. I have been sleeping well and that makes such a big difference. Anger has toned down which is great and while I feel down, I don't feel that I am spiraling any more so that is a good thing. Universe 1) I am grateful that I woke early and got ready for work. 2) I am grateful that I caught the earlier train thanks to the above point. 3) I am grateful for my walk to work in the morning and the fact that I go past a couple of fruit shops. I picked up a banana and a lemon for my day. 4) I am grateful for the awesome filling breakfast of high fiber cereal with banana. I as so full that I only had a small snack to keep my eating every 3 hrs up. 5) I am grateful that I drank 3 pots of my mix green and peppermint tea. A great way to increase my clear fluid intake and it makes me feel good too. 6) I am gra

Grateful for this Sunday

A really beautiful sunny day today but I chase to stay indoors which was probably a really stupid move. I needed to stay calm and quiet and being in the sun tends to hype me up quite a bit and as strange as it sounds when I am in a downward spiral, being hyped up is the last thing I need. I need to slow and take charge of what is happening inside my head. Not sure if it worked today, but I am feeling a lot calmer and I haven't thought much today. This is a great thing for me. I tend to think too much and that can be really destructive. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sleep in I had this morning. 2) I am grateful for the tea and crumpets with honey I enjoyed for breakfast. 3) I am grateful for the visit from my younger sister and her kids. It is always nice to get a pre-lunch visit. Pre-lunch means, the rest of the afternoon is quiet :-) 4) I am grateful for the quiet and peaceful afternoon I have had today. 5) I am grateful for the quiet and peaceful mind I have had today.