
Showing posts from January 16, 2011

Grateful for this Saturday

Ah, what a great sleep in I had today. I really needed it and it was blissful. I wanted to go back to bed after my 9:30am pee but thought that was pushing it. It was a really hot day today so I had the air conditioning going full blast and it was great. I had a lazy day today, with a 3hr nana nap, and so tomorrow I plan to go out before doing a bit of baby sitting. Universe 1) I am grateful for my sleep in today. 2) I am grateful I have air conditioning on a day like today. 3) I am grateful for the visitors I had today and the reading time I had with my nephew. 4) I am grateful I was able to have a nana nap. I know that if I had kids I wouldn't be able to do that so while I really feel that I have missed a part of my life that not having kids could have given me, these little bonuses are quite good. 5) I am grateful I have had a lazy guilt free day today and that I have made a plan to go out for a while tomorrow. The good sleep that I have had today will ensure I wake up nic

Grateful for this Friday

Today seemed to fly by which is wonderful because I now have 5 days off. I got a lot done today and am really pleased with it all. We went to lunch to celebrate a colleagues birthday and we had Japanese. Yum! I had dinner at my sisters while watching Oprah and now I am home with the house to myself. It will soon be time for a cup of tea and a timtam followed by bed. Universe 1) I am grateful I allowed myself a slow morning and that the traffic was really good so I made it to work at a reasonable hour. 2) I am grateful for the amazing weather we have had today. Sunny with a cool breeze although out of the breeze has been really hot. 3) I am grateful I was reminded how wonderful Japanese food is. So beautiful and light and fresh yet satisfyingly filling at the same time. 4) I am grateful that I had a nice and casual dinner of pizza with my sister and her family. 5) I am grateful I now have 5 days off and that I can start my mini break with a nice long sleep in. Blessings

Grateful for this Thursday

I had planned on having my routine blood test this morning so I slept in until 7 which was fabulous. I had a leisurely morning and went to grab my referral and it wasn't where I thought I had put it. I searched for 20mins and thought stuff it, and I decided to head to work and get the test next week. I got a nice surprise when my sister, her other half and little nephew popped around so I got a cuddle and a kiss before I left. The rest of the day was productive which was great. Universe 1) I ma grateful I was able to sleep in today and have such a leisurely morning. 2) I am grateful for my before work kiss and cuddle from my favourite littlest boy. 3) I am grateful for the triple shot latte I had this morning. Again, it was just what I needed. 4) I am grateful for the amount of work I completed today. Very satisfying indeed. 5) I am grateful for the company at lunch today and the window shopping we did. It was nice to just have a chat and a browse. Blessings

Grateful for this Wednesday

I started today well. I woke up on time, albeit really tired, got ready and left home early enough to stop and grab a triple shot latte for my drive and an Italian roll for my lunch. Thank goodness I took my woolen poncho wrap with me because the training room was colder than yesterday. I felt really down during training today. I couldn't put my finger on it but again I think it is just because my routine has been broken and I have been bored. A change in routine and boredom means it is harder to keep my mood on track. Anyway, I have the house to myself tonight and I am enjoying the peace and waiting for the first of the Oprah in Australia specials to air. Universe 1) I am grateful I actually got out of bed when my alarm went off this morning. It was one of those days where I could have just stayed in bed. 2) I am grateful for my triple shot latte this morning. It tasted so good and helped to keep me awake during my car trip. 3) I am grateful I took my woolen poncho to trainin

Grateful for this Tuesday

Death by PowerPoint training today and fuck me if I wasn't bored off my tits. Good grief. It did get me out of the office and it did get me in a discussion group with my boss and my fav colleague so I didn't have to work with new people. That was good. I had teaching tonight but because of training, I arrived late hence I finished late and therefore this is a quick entry tonight. Universe 1) I am grateful I left on time to get petrol and not arrive late. 2) I am grateful I didn't fall asleep at training today. It may sound silly to say but I was so bored and cold that I was feeling really drowsy. 3) I am grateful I was in a discussion group with people I knew so I didn't have to get used to new personalities for a whole day. 4) I am grateful I wasn't any later for teaching. It has been a really long day. 5) I am grateful I haven't had time to focus on the fact that I am feeling quite down today. It hit me on the way home tonight and it feels like a really

Grateful for this Monday

Well, for a Monday, today wasn't too bad. I woke up not wanting to get out of bed but I got myself together and I drove to work with the sun shining and my IPod blaring. Work was calm. No phone calls at all. Not even one. Brilliant. I did 2 huge evaluation analysis reports that I had been putting off and I feel very pleased with myself. On top of all of that, I went for a walk, I have had a few thoughts that I will need to workshop with my 'otherselves' and get action plans in place and had a couple of quite funny facebook chats. Now the day is closing down with a nice cool breeze to take the heat out of the air. Just beautiful really. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sunshine I got to drive to work in today. I always feel better when the sun shines and I can cope with life a bit better. 2) I am grateful I didn't have any phone calls today. The peace and lack of anxiety when the phone rings was a nice change. 3) I am grateful that I got my reports completed today.

Grateful for this Sunday

Another dull cloudy day that has turned to sunshine, although the humidity could bugger off. I have had a really lazy day today but I have needed it. I can feel bursts of energy wanting to come to the surface so I think I just need to continue doing what my body needs and I think I shall recover both physically as well as mentally. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sunshine today. 2) I am grateful for the small bursts of energy I can feel and the creative excitement which I haven't felt in at least 6months. 3) I am grateful for the rest I have had today with the company of my niece who decided to stay an extra night and later in the day, my sister and little nephew. 4) I am grateful for the little nephew cuddles I had today. 5) I am grateful to start another week at work tomorrow. Very odd thing to say but this week is going to be good with 2 days of training at a different location. A change is always nice and I have been there before and there will be people i know so I th