
Showing posts from August 11, 2019

Grateful Friday

Today I am grateful that I got to sleep in a little because I was working from home. I am grateful that my throat isn't feeling as bad and my ear is feeling really great. I am grateful that I had an easy day today work wise. I am grateful that I was able to set up my own laptop with everything necessary to be organised for uni. I am grateful my friend has keys to her new rental home. I am hoping that it brings her peace and happiness. she is going through a hard time.

Grateful for this Thursday

Today I am grateful that I once again was allowed to work from home. I didn't sleep in because my bladder woke me but I stayed in the warm bed until the last minute. I am grateful I have a bit of work to do which is a bit boring. I quite like that kind of work every now and then. I am grateful for the music I am playing while i work. I am grateful for the cups of tea and juice I am having to help my throat I am grateful the ear drops have reduced the pain in my ear.

Grateful this Wednesday

Today I am grateful I was working from home which meant I gt an extra 3 hrs sleep in I am grateful for a hot cup of tea when helped my throat in the morning I am grateful for the sun that shines in my room I am grateful I had a visit with the dr and got drops for my ear infect. I am grateful for the home made pied Pa made for dinner. They were delicious.

Grateful for this Tuesday

I am grateful that I was working from home so I got a sleep in which was enjoyed. I am grateful for numerous cups of tea I am grateful for my easy day at work I am grateful for my psychologist appointment. Although he is tough I really feel better after seeing him even if he did have shoes without socks. I have an issue when guys wear ankle length pants and shoes without socks. I hate seeing skinny ankles haha. I am grateful for my iced latte on my way home. I really enjoyed it.

Grateful Monday

Today I am grateful I don't feel as sick as I did on Sunday so I could go to work. I am grateful that my cup of tea first thing helped to soothe my throat I am grateful I was looking forward to going to work I am grateful for my reading time on the train I am grateful for my alone time in the office for over an hour which is an unusually long time. I am grateful for my lunch of tuna on vitawheats

Grateful Friday, Saturday and Sunday

By the time Friday night came around I was too tired to jump on my computer, I had a big day Saturday and again too tired when I got home, Sunday was spent in bed most of the day so here it is Monday and I haven't made an entry in 3 days. Here we go I am grateful that I made it to Friday with a cold knocking at my door. I am grateful for my early morning quiet time both at home and at work I am grateful for my first cup of tea. It helped my throat. I am grateful for my reading time in the train I am grateful Friday was a quiet day. I really wasn't ready for a busy day. I am grateful for my Saturday sleep in. I am grateful for my shopping at my favourite store. Officeworks. I got stationary so I am ready for my course. I am grateful I was able to be there for my friend. I didn't do much but she said just being there for company was enough. I am grateful that even though I threw up dinner I actually waited until I got home. I was able to sit comfortably in bed and t