
Showing posts from July 18, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

It is quite late for me tonight, since I woke up at 6 and didn't have a kindy kip today, so I will keep this post short and sweet. Universe 1) I am grateful for waking up early and being able to laze in bed and watch DVD's. It is such a wonderful pleasure and a luxury. I do plan on purchasing a small tv soon so I can actually watch TV in bed as well as DVD's. 2) I am grateful that I was able to have a lazy day today and catch up on some TV that I recorded during the week. I tend not to watch too much TV during the week so catching up on it on the weekends is great. 3) I am grateful that I had some peace and quiet today. My Pa went out for his usual visit to the club and it was a wonderful sense of relief to have some me time for a few hours. 4) I am grateful that I was able to baby sit my nephew tonight. He is such a great 2yr old. I got there, he had dinner, I changed him and he ask for his night milk and toddled off to bed and 2mins later he was sleeping. I love the

Grateful for this Friday

I was back in the office today and I have had a really great day. Firstly, people seemed pleased to see me. Secondly, it appears that one of the new starters that started a month before me was creating so much trouble around the business unit, and to other internal clients, that I look like a golden child! Is it wrong to be grateful that she is making me look really really good? Universe 1) I am grateful I was able to catch the early train today. I lent my car to my sister while hers is waiting for repairs, so my Pa drove me to the big station. It is one of the main stations that doesn't have parking. I usually go to a 'medium station' that has parking but that doesn't get the super fast trains or the trains with the really frequent pick ups. I got on the earlier train and still managed to get an all stations so I could start a new book. I have gone for the 1st in the Womens Murder Club series by James Patterson. I am enjoying it, but it isn't as exciting or as d

Grateful for this Thursday

The last day of my corporate induction today and I am a little disappointed. I have had a great time the last 4 days. Today was no exception. We had a group of young, male engineering graduates and interns in the course and they are so hilarious. They still act like teenagers but are really smart. We were giving them lifes lessons, (well, the bitter and twisted versions) on relationships and they were taking it all in. I had a blast. It is back to the office tomorrow, which I am looking forward to though, and it is a Friday to boot. Universe 1) I am grateful that I was awake before my alarm was supposed to go off. My phone ran out of battery during the night so it wouldn't have woken me. 2) I am grateful that although it was below freezing this morning, I was quite warm in the house. 3) I am grateful that it only took 10mins to get the ice off the car this morning. Any longer and I would have been frozen to thebone. 4) I am grateful for the laughs I had today in training and

Grateful for Wednesday

I had absolute peace and quiet this morning. How wonderful to wake up and not have to talk to anyone. Brilliant. Another training day and it was another good day to a degree. The nob head from yesterday said I was a smart girl today. Quite amazing really. I still feel myself having a battle with the dark side. As I said yesterday, I am grateful that I am still able to fight them. I just home I can keep up the fight until they get bored and leave me alone. Universe 1) I am grateful for the peace and quiet I was able to have this morning. 2) I am grateful for the fun training day today. 3) I am grateful for a couple of compliments I received today, especially the 'smart girl' comment. He was genuine and it was nice of him to say it. I think it may have been his way of apologising for being an arse yesterday. 4) I am grateful for the early mark from training today. 5) I am grateful that I am able to go and have dinner with my sister tonight. 6) I am grateful that I have a

Grateful for this Tuesday

It has been a mixed bag of feelings today. Another great run into work and another great day. Being proven wrong after being shouted down for being wrong is always a great thing. On the other hand, I can feel my inner demons knocking at my door wanting to take control. I really feel emotionally drained today but I am grateful that I seem to be able to hold them at bay. Teaching was another disappointment. I hate having to get cranky with a student when they have been good for so long and then they just turn on the lazy button combined with a sea of excuses and attempted manipulations. Anyway, here we go. Universe 1) I am grateful for another good run into training today. 2) I am grateful for the iced double espresso coffee I had this morning. 3) I am grateful that I am not as dumb as one of my work colleagues tried to make out. 4) I am grateful that I have managed to get 100% in all 3 tests in training so far. 5) I am grateful that I have been strong enough today to keep the dem

Grateful for this Monday

I have had a great day today. I love it when Mondays go well. It puts the week in a good position. I drove to my training course and the traffic was great so arrived calm and 30mins early. I met some great people, had fun, got to chat more with the new guys that started with me and finished early so that meant I could stop and have a cuppa with my little sister to find she had made me up a lunch pack of spaghetti bolognase for tomorrows lunch. I get to do it all again tomorrow. Universe 1) I am grateful that I went into automatic pilot when I woke up this morning. It wasn't too painful at all getting up at 5:30 again to get ready. 2) I am grateful the traffic was smooth and flowing. This meant I was calm when I arrived at training and was able to have a cuppa. 3) I am grateful for the great people I met today. 4) I am grateful for the fun I had whilst learning. 5) I am grateful that I was able to visit my sister for a coffee on my way home because I finished early. 6) I am

Grateful for this Sunday

What a glorious sunny 'almost spring' day today. I woke early again, 7:30 this morning so I got all my washing done and hanging on the line by 10 which was wonderful. After a very large breakfast, I showered, put on clean PJ's and got a call from my sister for some assistance. I drove to her place in my pj's as you do and I had a great chat with her and my baby nephew. The rest of the crew were out. I then came home and pulled my bedroom apart. It is looking great now. All I need to do is go through my summer clothes and throw/donate anything I don't want and I will be a very happy camper. That will occur next weekend. I had a wonderful email with some fabulous news that I will share when things have been finalised but I am so honored and blessed. Universe 1) I am grateful for waking up early and having the motivation to get my washing done and on the line this morning. 2) I am grateful for the huge breakfast consisting of a piece of eye bacon, a sausage, an egg