
Showing posts from June 5, 2011

Grateful for this Wednesday

I guess today went without a hitch if you consider we had the shittiest crappiest emergency evacuation drill EVER! Total debacle and freezing in the park to boot. Universe 1) I am grateful I have been getting up and out of the house early this week. It really makes a difference to my day. 2) I am grateful that even though I didn't go for a lunch break I still got my walk in thanks to the drill 3) I am grateful I am so up to date with my work. I don't feel so guilty about leaving for 3 weeks. 4) I am grateful I got to teaching early and for the welcome I got. 5) I am grateful that my internet has been fixed and is working quickly. Blessings

Grateful for this Tuesday

I have internet back. Well, I have mobile internet which said I had used all my allowance last night but in fact I haven't even used 1/4. Anyway, that sorted. I am closer to my 'holiday'. I made the final plans, completed paperwork and so on so I just drive in Friday at 2 and all will be sweet. It was bloody cold today so it is't 7pm and I am about to hop into bed. I am really cold, I have a bloody aching back and I am tired. Very emotional roller coasty times. Yesterday my boss found out his best mate was murdered so he is a mess, my pretend gm is being an arse, we are understaffed and my fav colleague is over worked as am I and brudy ridicurus woman doesn't appear to be but it looks like fav gal will be stuck sorting out most of my projects when I am gone. I am quite hyper at the moment but I have that edgy feeling that has me worried because I really feel like I am about to explode either in major out of control anger or just cry hysterically. Sure I need a cry b

Grateful for this Sunday

People continue to amaze me. In a good way. Sharing so much of themselves which lets me know that I am not alone. It is sad that so many people have or do feel like I do but it is comforting that so many have been through it and come out the other side. I am looking forward to when I like who I am. I used to but I don't anymore. I know I am a good person I just don't believe it. It is the knowing brain being out shone by the believing brain yet again. Such a powerful tool, this believing brain and it seem to be one that I just can't change which is ridiculous. I am a scientist and believing just isn't part of who I am. I need to know things I just can't believe them and yet yet totally contradicts everything I am. I know this will get better and I will win the fight, I just don't believe it yet. Universe 1) I am grateful I had a good sleep last night. 2) I am grateful I got to watch The Black Swan again this morning in my warm bed. Bloody nutty movie and it