
Showing posts from July 11, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

What a glorious day and I have taken advantage of it. Waking up at 5:30 every day for work means that waking up at 6:30 was a sleep in so I shouldn't complain. After watching some Will and Grace episodes in bed, I got up, got myself ready and started my day. Firstly, I had to have a fasting blood test so I didn't start with caffeine which wasn't pretty, but after that, I drove to the shopping center, had breakfast and started browsing. I got a couple of amazing bargains today which was great. I then picked up my 12yr old niece to do some grocery shopping and she helped me clean my house. I just need to sort through my bedroom and music room tomorrow but the rest of the house is spic and span. I now have a pounding headache which is starting to settle into a migraine but I am lucky I can head to bed early and sleep it off. Universe 1) I am grateful that I didn't sleep the day away today. It was too nice a day to waste and thank you for delivering such awesome sunshine

Grateful for this Friday

Hooray for another Friday. I had a really great day today. Our division has a meeting every Friday and it is run by our scottish general manager. His accent makes me think about the TV Cop drama Taggart. I have always said the show needs subtitles because the accent is really thick. Same for our meeting but I am getting used to it so he is easier to understand now. I was shocked to hear him thank the team for the hard work over the past 12mths and congratulated the team on achieving 104% budget. Wow. When I exceeded budget, I just got oh well, your target will be bigger next year so don't get lazy. I really feel part of a huge team and a small team at this place. I get called young lady which makes me laugh because firstly, they think I am young, and secondly, they think I am a lady! My boss actually told somebody off for dropping an F bomb in front of me. He doesn't realise that I have muttered at least 2 today! Universe 1) I am grateful I had my book to read this morning t

Grateful for this Thursday

What a fabulous day. Actually, the day started off pretty ordinary and ended fabulously. It wasn't as cold this morning which made getting out of bed easier. I just could not believe how tired I was when I woke up but I still dragged myself to work. I had a triple shot latte and a green tea and it didn't help at all so I went for a walk and I was still ready to cry because I was that tired. Then, a light bulb went off in my head. I hadn't had anything to drink apart from caffeinated drinks which dehydrates you. I drank a liter of water and felt 100% better. I actually felt a little hyperactive so I went for another walk to get some lunch. I discovered pineapple and guava juice in a glass bottle today. I call it Hawaii in a bottle. Amazing. The day finished off with a birthday dinner for my little nephew who turned 2 yesterday. I had such a wonderful night. Amazing dinner, wonderful company, great cuddles and laughs and Pa had a great time interacting too. There is much to b

Grateful for Wednesday

I survived a teaching night! The first work day followed by teaching in over six months. Blimey. I am tired but I had a great time. Just a quick entry today. Universe 1) I am grateful for the amazing breakfast I had this morning. Actually, I don't think it was the actual egg on toast and tea that was so amazing, but the fact that I was able to have it in peace and I had left myself some extra time to enjoy it. 2) I am grateful for the walk to purchase a vanilla latte, ok, and for the vanilla latte as well. I haven't had one for over a month and it was a really nice treat. 3) I am grateful that the wind and rain left the city and the sun came out by late morning. It was lovely being able to go for a quick walk in the sunshine. 4) I am grateful for the huge amount of contract binding I did today. Big job done. Big BORING job done. 5) I am grateful that I was able to answer a big question for one of the other team members and my boss seemed quite impressed. I don't need

Grateful for this Tuesday

Today was supposed to be teaching night but because I had a training session this afternoon, I have moved it to tomorrow. I am really not sure how I will cope with teaching from 6-8 every week considering I am awake at 5:30am for work but I will find a way. Another good day today with my team having a bit of an informal chit chat about 'stuff'. Basically, it was general crap that was quite amusing and the whinger didn't involve herself so it was me and the 2 blokes. I didn't actually faint today, which is a good thing. I managed to sit on the floor before I fainted. I think that I may not be eating enough during the day because I get distracted so I will be setting my alarm every 3hrs so I don't forget to munch. It is either that or the 4week flu or that I need my blood re-juiced (iron infused). Anyway, I am sure it will sort itself out soon enough. Universe 1) I am grateful that I woke up in time to get ready, have breakfast, get petrol and still catch my usual

Grateful for this Monday

Another great sleep and a really nice start to a Monday. I am really hooked on the author Brian Freeman and I started his 2nd book 'Stripped' today on my way into work. I almost wish I worked further away because I didn't want to put it down this morning. I really love my reading time. You just don't get that when you drive to work. Reading is the perfect way to while away the time on a train commute. Brilliant. Universe 1) I am grateful that I woke up really refreshed this morning. 2) I am grateful for my quiet start to the morning. My father is 'dying' from 'man flu' so he didn't get out of bed to hassle me and make me breakfast. I know it is very sweet that he wants to make me breakfast but I just want a cup of tea and peace in the morning. Anyway, I got that this morning and it was really welcomed. 3) I am grateful for my reading time in the morning. I get to work really relaxed and ready to start the day. 4) I am grateful that facebook int

Grateful for this Sunday

Waking up and getting a call from my younger sister saying they will be around in a moment is honestly a great way to wake up on a Sunday. Cuddles, smiles and my huge cup of tea. We then went to the shopping center and came home. Chatted a bit more. They left. I realised I had left my phone in my sisters bag so I go to her place. Sit and have a drink and a chat, go to do some more shopping and then home. I needed to be out today. I so wanted a kindy kip but I wanted to make sure I was able to sleep well tonight so I resisted. Sunday night is an important sleep night for me hen I am working. It is important to start the working week with a really good sleep. A crappy start only leads to a crappy week and I won't have that! Universe 1) I am grateful for my wake up visitors this morning. 2) I am grateful that I was able to have some company while i shopped this morning. 3) I am grateful that I was able to resist the kindy kip call and I am grateful that I was able to be so busy t