
Showing posts from August 22, 2010

Grateful for this Saturday

No point complaining. I am my worst enemy. I feel isolated because I am deliberately isolating myself. I feel alone because I am deliberately spending time alone. How bloody stupid is that? I guess it is that old thing where I don't want to 'share' because it doesn't help for starters but more importantly, I don't want to bring anyone else down. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if this down was proceeded by a fun high. This down was proceeded by a really angry high and that anger has just turned into an angry downer. Good grief. On a lighter note, I have discovered the lesbian version of Sex and the City. The L Word. I L.O.V.E it. I spent the morning watching that before going and getting my nails done. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sleep in this morning. Great thing about meds is that although I had a 3hr kindy kip yesterday, I still ended up having a 12hr sleep last night. 2) I am grateful I was able to watch the pilot ep of The L Word in bed this morning

Grateful for this Friday

Wow. My first official accrude day off and I have woken up in such a downward spiral. My GP must have known something when he asked me to book an appointment with him today. I can't describe it except that I feel like crying and losing my temper whilst being completely overwhelmed and that almost come close. Anyway, I thought I would put this up now and then go and have a kindy kip before kid sitting tonight. Universe 1) I am grateful that I had a day off today. 2) I am grateful for the sleep in I had 3) I am grateful that I started on this downward spiral on a day off and not on one where I had to go to work. 4) I am grateful for my Dr's appointment today. 5) I am grateful that the neighbours have stopped cutting tiles so I can go and have a kindy kip. Blessings

Grateful for this Thursday

What a glorious day. Well, since I have tomorrow off, today has been my Friday. The day has gone well. I caught the earlier train, got everything done that needed to be done, got everything approved, got contracts back thanks to a few threats and had a good laugh with my team again. My boss says he is going to miss his Miss Trouble. Now I am not Missy, but Miss Trouble. Funny French Man. Universe 1) I am grateful that I have an alarm and it was set last night. I slept like the dead. 2) I am grateful that I caught the earlier train so I got a seat and started reading a book that is very different genre for me but quite fun. 3) I am grateful that everything that needed to be done, got done. 4) I am grateful that I seem to be finding, or should I say fumbling, my way through the role at work. 5) I am grateful that I work with a great team of people. 6) I am grateful that I can stay up late and not worry about having to get up early tomorrow morning. Blessings

Grateful for this Wednesday

Trying very hard today. Headache and nearly passing out with no seat on train meant I had to get off after only 2 stops and wait for a train with seats so I was 1 hr late for work. When I say late, I mean we don't have exact hours but later than I expected to be. I had a reasonable day today and a good laugh with my team. I have just arrived home and it is 8pm. I don't feel like chicken stir fry so I am caving in and having 2 pieces of toast. Universe 1) I am grateful that I don't have exact hours which I have to work. Getting to work at 9:30 is just as good as getting to work at 7 as long as you do your 7.36hrs, all is fine. 2) I am grateful that I have a pharmacy on my way to work so I could pick up some painkillers without having to detour. 3) I am grateful that I had a good day as far as work is concerned 4) I am grateful for that I got everything done today that needed to be completed. 5) I am grateful that I am not feeling guilty for breaking my no carbs after

Grateful for this Tuesday

It is late and I have only just arrived home because it is teaching night so I will get straight to it Universe 1) I am grateful for the walk from the next station to work this morning. I got off a stop after mine, walked halfway to the next stop again and then back to work. A great way to start the day. 2) I am grateful that I had an easy day today 3) I am grateful for the lunch I enjoyed. 4) I am grateful that I kept my cool at teaching tonight 5) I am grateful that my bed is waiting ever so patiently for me. Blessings

Grateful for this Monday

Diva was in no mood to go to work this morning. Just as well I am on auto pilot in the mornings. I think it wasn't until I was halfway to work that I realised I was in fact, halfway to work and therefore no point in turning back. Not a bad day really. I had a stroke of genius at 5:10pm for a problem which had plagued me all day so instead of leaving work at 5:15, I left work at 6:45. At least it is done now. I have to take advantage of the genius while it lasts as it doesn't happen very often. Universe 1) I am grateful for auto pilot, particularly on a Monday morning. 2) I am grateful for my contact lenses. I see really well with them. 3) I am grateful for my lunch today which didn't seem to appealing until I started it. Egg and salad is not the most exciting lunch but it tasted great. 4) I am grateful for the chat and giggles I had with my boss today. He is one funny bugger. 5) I am grateful for the stroke of genius which solved a day long problem. It has been worry

Grateful for this Sunday

Sunday is the day of rest and boy, did I rest. Not sure I am liking these new drugs Doogie Howser has given me but they gave me a 12hr sleep last night a morning kindy kip of 2hrs and then an afternoon kindy kip of 2hrs and I am ready to sleep again! Anyway, all the plans I had today went out the window but it has been good to catch up on much needed rest. Universe 1) I am grateful for the catch up sleep and rest I have been able to have today. 2) I am grateful for the slice of bread I had with breakfast this morning. Not a huge thing to write home about normally, but when you haven't had anything but protein for 3 day, 1 slice of grain bread is shear heaven 3) I am grateful for the visit from my younger sister and her kids. 4) I am grateful for the afternoon kindy kip I had today. It has been such a long time since I have done that and it was amazing. 5) I am grateful that I can get an early night tonight and know that my favourite shows will be recorded for me to watch lat