
Showing posts from March 13, 2011

Grateful for this Saturday

The stick blender has struck again. I have felt quite out of things today so I have been pleased that my niece has once again kept me company. I was really annoyed with everything today so I just kept her occupied by showing her how to make 1 cakepop bite and that kept her busy for a while. She did really well. I also showed her how to use a sewing machine and I am shocked that she can sew straight lines and corners. I never thought she would be patient enough but she did it. It is so nice to share something that mum taught me. Passing it on. I am trying my hand at applique for the very first time by making some bags for the kids. My niece will make her bag once I have done completed the applique. I was going to do that tonight but my brain is so fried that I have decided to go to bed early and I will do it tomorrow. It won't take me long at all so I am better off listening to my body. I have been thinking a bit today about who I am and what am I worth thanks to a pic message post

Grateful for this Friday

What a day. I had difficulty sleeping last night but I still managed to get out early for my flu vaccination. I realise that I work for the same company as the other guys that I meet today while waiting and yet I was the only one who enjoyed their job. Everyone else was pissing and moaning about it and the conditions etc. I couldn't believe it. Everyone one of us gets paid really well for the job we do, no matter what that is, and we have a union behind us so the conditions have to be top. I realise that sometimes you don't know how good you have it until it is either taken away or the threat of it being taken away hits you. I am just so lucky to have my job, get paid better than I ever imagined and have amazing conditions that allow me to deal with my illness. I then was able to spend a wonderful 3 hrs with my amazing friend Kathryn from It was wonderful to talk to such an amazing person who 'gets it'. I got to take home some wonderful gar

Grateful for this Thursday

I really don't know what happened today. The day went quickly and all I really remember doing is reading my nephew a book. I will put it down to my brain saying I've had enough and I need to switch off. At least I got a sleep in again today. I do have a visit to Diva Central planned to see one of my fav ladies as well as getting a flu shot at the train station. I know that sounds strange but since I work for the railways, my local station has a nurse giving flu shots tomorrow so I figured I may as well go and do it. Universe 1) I am grateful for the amazing sleep in I have had again today. 2) I am grateful my brain was able to shut down and not do too much damage. Previously during a shut down, I would end up in hospital so I guess this is progress. 3) I am grateful I didn't have to work today and that I could get the rest that I have so desperately needed. 4) I am grateful I have plans tomorrow because I fear I would spend another day achieving absolutely nothing. 5

Grateful for this Wednesday

Boy, I had the sleep in of all sleep ins today and I woke up with a bloody headache. Thank god the pain killers worked. I drove my brother in law to work and I really enjoyed the drive home by myself. It was nice to have that time. I have to admit that I have done nothing at all today apart from that and eat and I don't feel guilty at all. I have decided to see if I can get something to go viral on Facebook. We shall see. It is a bit of a laugh really. It will be interesting to see if people actually get it. Hehehehe Universe 1) I am grateful for the sleep in I had today 2) I am grateful the pain killers took care of my headache. Blimey it was a shocker. 3) I am grateful I was able to help my sister out today and take my brother in law to work. It gave my a wonderful opportunity to be by myself and my brain was much less toxic today. 4) I am grateful allowed myself to do nothing today but rest today. 5) I am grateful for the chinese takeout I ordered and paid for online and

Grateful for this Monday and Tuesday

Ok, so today is a double banger entry thanks to my internet account being suspended because when I rang up to change my credit card details (remember my account was hacked) they immediately cancelled my new card and activated my old one. WTF. I was on the phone for hours and I was less than impressed. Anyway, I am back on. Yesterday started a week long vacation so I woke up early and went out with my sis to check out a cake decorating shop. Really cool. I am being rather Little house on the prairie at the moment. Knitting, backing, sewing. To say that there is something wrong with me is an understatement. Anyway, some more fabric browsing and then I got into the cakepops. Unfortunately, my father feels the need to sit in our small kitchen and watch me in case I do something wrong which I invariably do. He is bloody lucky I didn't grab a knife from our knife block and stab him in the head. (I knew there was a reason I got good knife set). I was quite hyped up last night so I didn

Grateful for this Sunday

It is my anniversary today. Exactly 1 year of focused gratitude. I have had a lot of ups and downs and while it is easy to be grateful during the ups, it is harder when the downhill slide happens but I haven't missed a day. I have focused my thoughts on the things to be grateful for. There are so many. I have had at least 1780 things to be grateful for, since some days I have more than 5. That is incredible. I am not in an ideal place at the moment but even I can tell that I am really lucky and privileged to have that many things to be grateful for. Universe 1) I am grateful I have achieved 1 year of focused gratitude. 2) I am grateful that I have seen the importance of this even in my darkest times. 3) I am grateful for my family and the dinner we shared today (with the youngest side anyway) 4) I am grateful I have started knitting. It is amazing how it keeps my mind focused on something other than my internal crap 5) I am grateful I am on a weeks vacation and that I don