
Showing posts from August 25, 2019

Grateful for this Thursday

Today I am grateful I woke up feeling quite a bit better. I am grateful that I was warm and didn't get rained on. I am grateful that I had enough work to keep me occupied I am grateful that 2 meetings were cancelled I am grateful that I ordered a 2nd cup of coffee. Even though I didn't finish it, it was really nice.

Grateful for this Wednesday

Today I am grateful I got to work from home today. I am grateful I was able to make my Dr's appointment and I have some antibiotics for my throat and sinus infection. I am grateful the Dr took swabs of my throat and of my skin issue above my eyebrow. Hopefully I get the results back quickly so it can be treated and heal. I am grateful for my power nap that I had this afternoon. I really needed it. I am grateful my sister was able to go to the chemist and pick up my medication.

Grateful for Tuesday

Today I am grateful for waking up at my usual time, bloody early, and I felt well enough to go to work. I am grateful I woke up feeling somewhat refreshed. I am grateful for my first morning coffee. I am grateful for my second coffee as I wasn't feeling so fresh by that stage. I am grateful I made it through a whole day feeling under the weather and I still did a good job. I am grateful for my old favourite director having some fun enjoyable banter.

Grateful for Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday

Well boy. I have dropped the ball the past few days. I have an excuse though. I have been sick with a cold from hell. I know its only a cold because I had swabs done but I did have bacterial infection in my eyes. Anyway, I have been coughing and blowing my nose and the resultant ick has been revolving and exhausting. Here we go I am grateful that for the past few days I have had time off work. There is no way I could have gone to work. I was feeling rotten. I am grateful for the time I had spent in bed. I needed the extra sleep for my body to recover. I am grateful for the copious amounts of tea I was drinking. It helped to sooth my throat. I am grateful that I felt well enough to have my nails done on Saturday. I enjoy my coffee and nail date with my sister and now niece. I am grateful my uni course started on Monday. There are videos to watch and a discussion board for the students. I am grateful my textbook included an app for the e-book. I can now read my book on the train.