
Showing posts from March 28, 2010

Grateful Saturday

I had a great start to my day today. Productive, fulfilling, fun and loving. Nothing better. I have also had a few revelations of sorts today. I seem to be having more of them. Universe 1) I am grateful for the great sleep I got last night. I woke refreshed and early for my morning expedition. 2) I am grateful that I got to spend the morning with my sister, my niece and then the rest of her family. We started by going to the shopping center/mall before most of the stores opened. No problem parking, no crowds, bargains on kids books, which was brilliant and it finished with a coffee chat and cuddles. A wonderful way to start a day. 3) I am grateful that I have started, and continued, with my gratitude journal. I don't think it is a coincidence that I have been sleeping better since I started. I think when my brain ends the day on a positive, grateful note, I am not going to bed with such an anxious mind 4) I am grateful that I have a clear conscious regarding my past. I am als

Grateful this Good Friday

It was another glorious day in Sydney. It is quite unusual for us to have sunshine on Good Friday. I always associate this day with dark wet miserable weather so it was a nice change. Universe 1) I am grateful for another glorious sunny day today. 2) I am so grateful for the 11hr sleep I had last night. A sleep that long after having neck back and head pain was so needed. 3) I am grateful for the visit from my sister and her kids. I just love getting cuddles from the big ones (although they are not as common) and I just love getting bubby cuddles. My little nephew is such a cutie and loves to have cuddles, kisses, books read to him and he loves to tell stories! 4) I am grateful for the coffee/tea my sister and I were able to have together with banana cake/hot cross bun. 5) I am grateful for the smell of hot cross buns. The house smells nice and spicy and with the warm sun and cool breeze, reminds me that autumn/fall is well and truly here Blessings

Grateful for today

Today was just a glorious day in Sydney town. Sunny and warm with a chill in the breeze. Just the way I like it. Universe 1) I am grateful for the beautiful weather today. 2) I am grateful that I was able to get washing dried today without having to waste money using the dryer 3) I am grateful for the amazing chili chicken and noodle stir fry I made for dinner. It tasted so good 4) I am grateful that I was asleep around midnight and woke up at 7am this morning. That is a much longer sleep than my average over the last few months 5) I am grateful that, because I had such a good sleep last night, i am actually looking forward to going to bed tonight Blessings

A Day to be grateful

I have had the opportunity to catch up with a fabulous chick I knew around 22yrs ago. It was great to catch up. This has been the first real catch up with anyone in over 2mths so it was great. I have also had the opportunity to to do a lot of thinking about my past today. Very interesting stuff. Universe 1) I am soooooo grateful I am me. I don't feel the need to be like others and I don't need to retreat back to my teenage years because I am too frightened to move on. For this is am incredibly grateful 2) I am grateful that I can look forward to a future rather than mourn a past and try to relive that somehow. My past has made me who I am and although I have come through that with a few battle scares, it has shaped me into a person that I quite like. 3) I am grateful that I caught up with a fabulous friend today. She is a top chick and it is nice to have spoken a little about what has happened without getting morbid and without fear of judgement. Thank you my friend 4) I

Grateful for today

Waking up to a chilly wet day may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it was just glorious. I think what made it even more special was that I was going up the mountains to teach again. Something about the mountains, rain and cold. Something comfy and safe about it. Great day. Universe 1) I am grateful that I had a positive phone call today. I am hoping I get more over the next few days 2) I am grateful for such a glorious day to drive up the mountains 3) I am grateful that I got to see the mist rising from the gully at my students home. It looked just beautiful. All that was missing was an open fire, marshmallows and somebody to snuggle with but it wasn't essential 4) I am grateful that I had such a great teaching moment today. We achieved a lot and when students smile when they get something right after weeks of struggling and they are proud of themselves, it is a wonderful moment for a teacher. I had one of those moments today 5) I am grateful for chocolate. Needed a pie

Today is a day to be truly grateful

It has been another very odd day today. Not bad odd, but odd all the same. I have been doing a lot of thinking and although I can't say what I have thought about because quite honestly, I don't know, but I feel quite peaceful today, with energy that is not misplaced just an uplifting peace where I think my metaphorical shoulders are a little less burdened. I have realised that with the help of my friends around the globe, that beauty is everywhere, in all forms, and all shapes and sizes. I have known this but I really haven't taken it on in my own life. I play the fabulous chick that is confident in her own skin but there are times when I am not and many times when the evil voice of negativity speaks way too loud. There are some amazing people in the world that embrace life, themselves, their bodies and they love who they are and there are amazing people who see beauty in them. I don't need validation from others, by any means, but seeing others validated by themselves


Another beautiful day in Sydney town. I didn't actually do anything today except play piano, do a bit of pc work and chilling. The headaches I have been getting have knocked me around and made me rather exhausted so a chill out day was great. Universe 1) I am grateful that although I have broken a back tooth, it isn't painful, so I can make an appointment to get it fixed without being in pain. 2) I am grateful for the cup of tea and hot rolls I had for breakfast this morning. 3) I am grateful for the wonderful sunny weather again today. 4) I am grateful for the delicious stuffed capsicums and home made apple crumble i made for dinner tonight. It was so incredibly yummy. 5) I am grateful that I have been able to enjoy playing the piano today. I have had quite a bit on my mind the last few days and the ability to zone out at the piano is such a blessing 6) I am grateful for some of the appropriate and inappropriate Facebook conversations I have had over the last few days.