
Showing posts from March 27, 2011
OK, a sign or 2 of how the day would turn out. Woke up, did morning bathroom routine, went back to bed, did a bit of fb'ing, and then decided to have a nana nap, it was only 8:30am was woken by the father saying he was going and what did I want for dinner. How the fuck would I know, I haven't even had a cup of tea yet. Too late for morning meeds, it is now 12:40pm, shakes are really bad now. Hooray for Saturday sunshine in the Autumn/fall because that was the only saving grace. Oh, but wait, it gets grey about 30mins into my day and the chill hit and yet I couldn't be stuffed getting changed or even putting my ugh boots on. Oh Joyous. My psychology session last week has brought up a lot of things which I have tried really hard to bury and it is back up on the surface and my physical reaction really is shocking me. I am physically feeling anxious, frightened, overwhelmed and yet my head isn't their. I guess it is because I have the metaphorical shovel trying to bury the

Grateful for this Friday

I had quite a good day today. Left late and it only took 35mins to get to work which was brilliant. Grabbed a coffee from my fav coffee man, came back had a departmental meeting, stirred the pot, went to the city for a 1 hr meeting which took 20mins, went shopping (window but still) then caught the train back to work 2hrs later, chatted a lot, left early, went to the Dr's, had a bit of a laugh, we tried to out wit one another and now I am home in my pi's ready to go to bed. Awesome. Universe 1) I am grateful that I decided to take my time leaving for work this morning. It worked out really well traffic wise. 2) I am grateful for my morning coffee 3) I am grateful for the people I work with, well, most of the people I work with. I feel joy when I see their faces and get to chat with them. 4) I am grateful that my meeting finished early today. 5) I am grateful for the window shopping I got to do today. It was really nice to relax in the city where I haven't been for a

Grateful for this Thursday

My bladder woke me up this morning but thankfully just before my alarm and not an hour before. I am really starting to get worried about the days going so quickly without me actually remembering what has happened. Sure, I know that I completed some work, made some calls, had cups of tea, a walk, a chat, and completed a really huge analysis but it just doesn't feel like it is enough to fill a day. I got a call from my GP saying he needed to see me about my blood tests. This means that there is something wrong but if he yells at me for my cholesterol I will hit him when I see him tomorrow at 5 since it couldn't wait until next week. Universe 1) I am grateful I was woken up just before my alarm and not a frustrating hour before which happens often. 2) I am grateful for walks to get tea. It helps to break up my day. 3) I am grateful it didn't rain while I went for a walk today. 4) I am grateful for the amazing sandwich I had for lunch. It has been so long since I have had

Grateful for this Wednesday

I chose to sleep in a little this morning and I am really pleased. Apart from getting the extra hour sleep, the traffic was fabulous and i got to work on time. Like yesterday, the day just seemed to race by. A group of us are studying and we had a meeting to catch up and discuss the up coming exams. The exciting thing is that every week for the next 6 weeks, we are having group study sessions and I am nerdishly looking forward to them. I just can't wait. Universe 1) I am grateful for the sleep in this morning and the great traffic I encountered 2) I am grateful the days are racing which means I don't have time for my brain to race on irrational things so much. 3) I am grateful I was able to get a present today 50% off during my lunch break. I was thrilled to say the least. Exactly what I wanted and at a bargain price. 4) I am grateful we have study groups ready for our courses. I love getting together with like minded people to study. It makes me feel really excited. 5)

Grateful for this Tuesday

5:30am wake up should be illegal in my book but this sorry arse got up and went to work at the ungodly hour. I had quite a good day today although I don't believe I actually did anything. I know I must have or it means I have lost about 5hrs. Universe 1) I am grateful I actually got up when my alarm went off and didn't go back to sleep 2) I am grateful for my cup of tea I had while I drove to work. I am on a strict budget to pay for my teeth so purchasing coffee is limited. 3) I am grateful for the chat I had with one of the guys at work. A really lovely guy quite hilarious. 4) I am grateful that my day went quickly meaning I was kept busy or I have lost some time but I will go with busy 5) I am grateful teaching went well today. I love the welcome I get and I love being there discussing all sorts of topics and trying to turn them into a musical theme. Quite fun Blessings

Grateful for this Monday

I seem to becoming more and more detached from the physical reality that is my life. I guess that isn't such a bad thing at the moment. Although I have difficulty remembering what has happened and that isn't such a good thing when you are studying and have exams in May and again in July. Anyway, I'll deal with those when they arrive. Universe 1) I am grateful that I could get my blood test done early this morning so I ended up at work on time. 2) I am grateful for my morning coffee since I wasn't allowed anything before the test. I was ready to kill for caffeine. 3) I am grateful for the warm welcome I received when i got to work. It is nice to be wanted. 4) I am grateful I was able to have a lunchtime walk in peace today. I am enjoying solitude very much at the moment. 5) I am grateful I went to the dentist today and they were all really lovely. The only problem is that I have to find around $3000 out of pocket and I have been told I have a boney mass in the fro

Grateful for this Sunday

I am so over complaining but I have to have a major hissy fit about my hair loss. I am losing so much hair it isn't funny. I am getting really worried to be honest. I decided to look up the side effects of my meds and 2 of them can cause hair loss. You have got to be kidding me. I just don't now what to say. I have said that I would rather have a full head of hair and be completely loop de loop than be bald and flat line. I try so hard to deal with everything and these pathetic little moments just tip me over the edge. Universe 1) I am grateful for the time in bed watching dvd's this morning. It was nice to have some quiet time and the morning was a nice crisp one. Perfect snuggle weather. 2) I am grateful I had to pick something up from the shops so that got me out of the house. It didn't get me motivated to organise my office come everything room but still, I didn't stay in bed all day. 3) I am grateful that our house inspection (rental agent) isn't until