
Showing posts from May 19, 2019

Wow. So much to be grateful for

Bloody hell I lost my way. I have been wanting to start this blog for a while but I had issues. Anyway, I have been doing a lot of reading to try and help me sort through this thing called life. One book I have read is 'The life changing power of gratitude' by Marc Reklau. One of the things I cottoned onto is the fact that yes, sometimes is is really difficult to be grateful. When my mood is low I really have trouble. Marc started a list of things to be grateful for and I thought fantastic. I can write a list of things I can be grateful for so when I am having trouble i can look at this list and pick stuff out as a reminder. So I have come up with around 45 things to be grateful for. Amazing. So here goes I am grateful I am breathing I am grateful for a restful sleep I am grateful I am a morning person I am grateful our house I am grateful for my time before going to work I am grateful that I can get a ride to the station I am grateful we have a car I am grate