
Showing posts from February 13, 2011

Grateful for this Saturday

Today was this crazy lady with bad teeth to get sorted, or at least, attempt. I had another amazing sleep, and saw my psychologist at 9am. Boy, was that a tough sessions and I have realised I am not doing as well as I thought, and that wasn't too great to start with. I really need to take some time out. Then I head off to the dentist and after waiting FOREVER, it wasn't such a bad experience. I didn't have any work done but still, I didn't freak out that a girl who I swear couldn't be any older than 28 was poking around in my mouth. I have quite a bit of extensive work to do but that will either be done under sedation or general. YAY. After a really hard morning, I have ended up with a pounding headache which is a bees dick away from turning into a migraine. Air conditioning, tea, a fish burger and pain killers have rounded out my day. Universe 1) I am grateful for another great nights sleep last night. 2) I am grateful I was able to see my psychologist today. S

Grateful for this Friday

After contemplating for an hour if I was ever going to be ready to go to work, I decided I needed a day off. My head is still spinning so that was my excuse. I am so glad I did have a day to myself. My sister came around and had a coffee, I had an epic nana nap and I feel so much better. Universe 1) I am grateful I have worked hard this week so that I was up to date with work. 2) I am grateful that I decided that my health was worth a day off. 3) I am grateful my sister came for a visit by herself. I love the kids but it is nice to have some adult time. 4) I am grateful I was able to have an epic nana nap of 4.5 hrs today. I can't wait to get to bed but I still feel so much better. 5) I am grateful for the cup of tea I am about to enjoy before hopping into bed. I have a big day tomorrow. A visit to the psychologist followed by my first consult with my new dentist. I am freaking out slightly but I know that they will knock me out for any work so that helps. Blessings

Grateful for this Thursday

A relaxed morning got me to work in a much better mood than yesterdays rush although I just wasn't in the mood. I am feeling rather beige about things today. I hate beige and so I decided to do a bit of window shopping at lunch time which I did enjoy. Universe 1) I am grateful I was able to have a relaxed morning before going to work 2) I am grateful my boss was well enough to come back to work today. 3) I am grateful I made myself get a batch of printing done today which I absolutely hate doing 4) I am grateful I have now booked myself in for my new course. I am looking forward to studying again. My brain is feeling rather slow due to lack of intellectual stimulation for the past 11yrs. 5) I am grateful for my lunchtime walk combined with window shopping. 6) I am grateful for my lunch of pineapple and watermelon. It tasted amazing. Blessings

Grateful for this Wednesday

I am a superwoman. I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Showered, dressed, did hair and make up whilst drinking a cup of tea, left my house, got petrol (gas), stopped through drive thru for a muffin (keep it clean) and drive back a little past my house to pick up my brother in law all by 7:15. I am true awesomeness. Universe 1) I am grateful I was able to pull out some awesomeness this morning. 2) I am grateful I had a good sleep last night. 3) I am grateful I was able to help my family out by playing chauffeur. 4) I am grateful for another day filled with achievements. Small admin achievements but they are things I tend to put off. 5) I am grateful I was able to step up and be a leader today when our GM needed something to be done whilst my boss was away sick. 6) I am grateful my nephews tests turned out to be good news. Now the work, the change management begins for everyone. Blessings

Grateful for this Tuesday

Teaching day today so this is a short entry. Universe 1) I am grateful I managed to get myself out bed, showered, dressed, make up and consuming a cup of tea all in 30mins. 2) I am grateful I got to work early and was able to do a bit of surfing, I mean research. 3) I am grateful I had another quiet day today. 4) I am grateful for the break I had this morning and the meeting that followed where I managed to take control and come out on top. 5) I am grateful for another amazing chicken and 5 veg bowl from Salsas 6) I am grateful for a really nice teaching night. Blessings

Grateful for this Monday

I am so lucky I like going to work. I actually need my work to keep me in the land of the living but today.....good Lord, I was bored as hell. I have numerous projects on the go but all of them are either waiting on suppliers, waiting on approvals or waiting on the business owners to do something. My boss was away as was my usual companion so I didn't even have anyone to talk to except brudy ridicorus woman but all she does is talk about death and dying or work, and the way she talks about it, it may as well be about death and dying. I went for a long walk through the shopping center/mall which was great and bought some pineapple and watermelon for lunch. Yum! Universe 1) I am grateful for a beautiful comment I received from a never met friend last night. I was just so touched by his comment. It was what I needed to hear at the time. 2) I am grateful for my coffee this morning. It tasted so good. 3) I am grateful I have a job that I love in a company that I really enjoy workin

Grateful for this Sunday

I am quite proud of myself again today. I still just want to hibernate rather than face the world but I got out of bed and went to get my nails done and a pedicure. Yes, I did the shower and change thing first. I just have to keep myself going. I'm looking forward to work tomorrow because that is a little routine and normality that keeps me focused. Universe 1) I am grateful I had a sleep in this morning 2) I am grateful for my cup of tea and fresh roll with honey for breakfast. 3) I am grateful I got myself ready and out of the house to face people. 4) I am grateful the younger sisters family came over for dinner tonight and I got cuddles from all. 5) I am grateful I see my work as a sanctuary. I enjoy it, I feel safe, and I enjoy the routine without the strict boundaries on that. Blessings