
Showing posts from April 21, 2013

Grateful for this Wednesday

Universe 1) I am grateful for a short working week. There is a public holiday for Anzac day tomorrow and I have a day off on Friday. 2) I am grateful for my coffee and toast this morning. 3) I am grateful for my apple and yogurt this morning. I am grateful for these things because as of next Monday I am replacing breakfast and morning tea with just the 1 diet shake. It is going to be tough but I just have to break in a new routine. 4) I am grateful I have the brains to do my job efficiently and up to par. 5) I am grateful for the beautiful weather outside. Typical autumn/fall weather. A chill in the air with warm sunshine. Blessings

Grateful for this Tuesday and Saturday, Sunday and Monday

I have been really slack the past few days. Saturday I was woken up by a migraine from hell. Vomiting and pain like no other. I was seriously considering hospital I was that sick. After that I have just been so incredibly exhausted that going to my laptop to type up an entry is too much effort. I know that is a lame excuse but that is that. This entry will include a couple of thoughts from the days I have missed. Universe 1) I am grateful that my migraine went after vomiting and then a really long sleep on Saturday. 2) I am grateful for Saturday night dinner with Pa. We went to the local pub and I had a cheeky meal of nachos. Very nice indeed. 3) I am grateful I was still able to sleep without trouble Saturday night. 4) I am grateful for another long sleep on Sunday. 5) I am grateful I got my mailing done on Sunday finally. 6) I am grateful my younger sisters family joined us for Sunday nights dinner of Roast pork and veg. It was delicious 7) I am grateful I had a migraine free wak